Friday, April 25, 2008

a fun little read (not by me)

i was just over at kelly's place, and came across this story she wrote. it is THE most awesome, cutest , creative, UNIQUE (that's the word i was huntin for) -blog post i have seen in my blog life. :))

it's not very long and it will be sure to make ya smile.
and might even make ya wonder why YOU hadn't already done it.
and now it's too late.
go see -

A MooHaa Adventure


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I adore the way kelly thinks! Thank you for the link!

My dear Soul, question for you:
Fav store bought candy.
fav store bought salt.
fav item: fishing.. :)
any other fav's?
Just a fav meme of mine sans posting!
thank you for the wellwishes!! :)

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

not link, but plug about her stories..damn, I need to cease the wine.

but i don't want to.
sound like a Sullivan, or does Sullivan sound like me? Maybe that's why he challenges me so much..
yup, because what I view as negative in me, I see in him, thus making it difficult, because I don't like my negative. doesn't mean i don't like Sulli, I love him, but I don't want to see the same negative faults that I have, running strong in his..then again, maybe the reasons he's been given the strength traits, is because maybe someday, he'll have to be a survivor.


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

reading over comments is like a free glimpse into what an expensive therapist would be saying..
so, thank you.
because I need to try harder with Sullivan.
reading me through channeling (right word??) you, helped me.

I know, I know, LAY OFF THE WINE.

i am flooding you tonight! first, second, third base.....

Moohaa said...

This is the second time I get to say thank you to you, Soul! You've done warmed my heart all over again!

Hey Crusty, if you ever need to talk, I'm here. :)

Karen said...

I read this over at Kelly's. Isn't she awesome? I have no imagination for fiction. Just an empty vessell on that score.