i hate it when no one updates their blogs. or worse even.. they don't update -- and they don't comment on mine. WTH are you people doin all day? geesh. two of you? i mean thank you Donna, thank you Mary. but man, where are the rest of y'all? yeh, i do realize it's the weekend , and y'all are chillin, and catchin up with your lives and families and all that. but hey, don't i even cross your mind at all on the weekend? i'm here. i think of y'all. i post . i say hello to you. come say hello to me, would ya?
is that so difficult? "i could 'go' at any time Gilburt". y'all know that. don't be the one who didn't say g'bye. ok. i apologize. that was a low blow. but ya know what? i am such a idiot. i did somethin soooo stupid. i knew about it, and i even worried about it while it was happening. all i had to do was writ a freakin check, and put it in the mail. or even ask soulman to do that for me. did i? no. hell no. i just sat around worryin about it for a couple months -- until it finally happened. yep. wanna know what was in our PO box? a notice. yup. not a letter. but a notice. from my life insurance company. yes i sure did. i had let my life insurance go unpaid. for over two friggin months. i oughtta be shot. now, i have to fill out a questionnaire. IF i am correct - and i'm thinkin i'm not. i think it's only for the 10,000.00 one... the one i let lapse was for a lot more than that. but everything that is 'wrong' with me is 'service connected' so -- if i am RIGHT -- it shouldn't be held against me , as far as my insurance being reinstated - same rate-= same pay-out etc. BUT -- holy crap guys. if i am WRONG?? they will not re- insure me. in fact NOBODY will. not in my condition. there is just too much wrong with me. i have too many 'conditions/diagnosed and undiagnosed. like i said -- i could go at anytime. and no one wants to pay insurance out in any amount. i can't believe i let that go like that. 17.00 a month. what the hell was i thinking. or not thinking. it isn't the first time i've done this either. i did it once before a few years ago. and i've done it with other bills. i've even done it with our house payment ! (not this one - but i've done it in the past). i could just kick myself.
and i've had the form sittin right next to me the whole day long-- have i even put a pen to it yet? umm, nope. why? hellifiknow. i just don't know. my brain must be in the O-F-F position lately. i need help. someone help me.
(my favorite line in the whole movie - is in the first forty seconds-
there's a commercial - but it's worth it - just watch :))
there's a commercial - but it's worth it - just watch :))
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Uploaded by m0vietrailerpark. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.
ok... so anyhow. nothing i said up there was at all, what i had planned on writing. does that surprise you? me neither. in any way. i sure hope the new addition (Annie) the dog- you know - up top to your left -- i hope she will make for a good -
therapy dog. :))

[see? time passes - i re-read - i notice "top, RIGHT, not left. save me Baby Jesus.]
SO. anyhow. to get to what i had planned to write. geesh. i was on FB a while ago, and a friend of mine had mentioned her bicycle, immediately , MY lil mind goes in the direction of ME on a bicycle. yeh , i know.. can ya see it. not pretty, right? well.. ya know what i thought of?

who remembers these things??
i do. i don't care if it ages me or not. we all know i'm friggin old.
old, and on my way OUT the door.
if not in body, surely in mind.
say "g'bye Soul."
but yeh. that was my first image to come to mind. i remember my gramma had one of those. i also remember back then that (a - not sure where or why i was there) but a nursing home had like a mini - parking lot full of them, for the patients to use. (when i was a kid .
who remembers these things??
i do. i don't care if it ages me or not. we all know i'm friggin old.
old, and on my way OUT the door.
if not in body, surely in mind.
say "g'bye Soul."
so anyhow-- yep- that's what i thought of, and actually often do. but mostly in humor. i do however, actually consider buying myself one of these --- someday. -

OR -
( it's more 'laid back' )
( it's more 'laid back' )

i may get stuck in this one
anyhow- these are "recumbent bicycles" . they're kind of expensive , but they would be good for me to use if or when i can't drive anymore. or maybe when i 'shouldn't drive. ya know. bleh.
i can't believe this is happening to me at my age. but face facts y'all. it IS happening. a lot of you have watched right along with me. my lil brain is shriveling right before our eyes.
ten years. it's all i ask. twenty would be better. but in ten, i just may see soulkid married, and have her 1st kid.
sorry-- i don't know where all that came from. it just did.
see? you shoulda blogged today.
i can't believe this is happening to me at my age. but face facts y'all. it IS happening. a lot of you have watched right along with me. my lil brain is shriveling right before our eyes.
ten years. it's all i ask. twenty would be better. but in ten, i just may see soulkid married, and have her 1st kid.
sorry-- i don't know where all that came from. it just did.
see? you shoulda blogged today.