Tuesday, August 30, 2011


mornin peeps -

greetings and salutations :))
so.  what's happenin in your worlds?  i am really thinkin about my east coast - ish peeps.  i haven't been keeping up with the news on Irene as much as i would like to have.  but i sure am glad it's over.  well - at least the storm part.  i did see the - finally - only last night , the damage it left in its wake.  i can't believe that i got so far behind in that news.  things have been crazy busy here.  not much time for tv - and i never see a news paper.  i'm sure i have seen all you folks on facebook since the storm , so i at least partly sure you all are at least alive.  which is a wonderful thing.  i hope you are all injury free, and that your homes and families  are safe as well.  i reckon mother mother nature is quite angry.  flooding some and droughting others.

my area here in TX is still bone dry.  and still battling 105-106 temps.  still praying for rain.  yet knowing when we get the amount that we need -- we will be bitchin about the floods that will surely follow.   due to dry ground.  water in any amount will come so fast the soil won't be able to soak it up -- we just won't win.  not for a while.  cows and horses are dying, along with people,and  other animals, and of course crops etc.  some livestock are being sold - or shipped out of state just because there is no water or grass to sustain them.  it's just a really bad situation here.  of course lakes are low, and our local ponds that we usually like to fish in are extremely low - creeks are bone dry, and fishin simply not an option -  in town.  i'm no 'grab a sign and picket for goin green, or conserving water - or any of that eco friendly stuff'   but ill tell ya somethin.  it's tempting lately.  it's a sad thing to watch --
this is my town.  my little world.  and it's suffering.  the people and animals are suffering.  the fish and lakes and ponds are suffering.  the entire area is suffering .  and i feel helpless in any way to actually help in any way.  all i can really do is try not to over use electricity -- and we do that.  cut back on water usage - we do that.  i can't really go fill cow troughs . or lakes or ponds.  i can't pull fish out of ponds and babysit them.. i have no where to put and care take them.  although there are fisheries who have done that in a few ponds around here.  (after fish kills.)  i honestly don't think i have ever seen anything like this.  it breaks my heart !

anyhow -- that's my new view on the state of the environment and it's needs.  i certainly have a new outlook on things there.  i have learned a lot about conservation, i'm sure i won't forget those anytime soon.

oooooh noooz - soul has lost her mind -- again.  :))

so -- ya wanna hear the scoop on soulkid and AI in houston?  she didn't get through.  :((  they spent almost a week down there.  they registered on tuesday- and didn't audition til friday.  expensive trip.  the day of the audition, it looked good -- for a minute.  they took em in four at a time.  she was the only one in her group who was asked to sing two songs.  it looked promising -  i was getting the play by play by text from her dad-- i was nearly having a stroke!  it was horrible for me to be there to see what was happening.  she didn't tell either one of us exactly what the judge said to her until the day after they got ho,e -- after being told 'no'.  ugh . we were all so confident that she would get thru.  even if not all the way thru.. we felt she would at least get through the auditions.  anyhow -- the word was -- the lady judge told her ' i love your voice - i want you to work on your performance, and work on making eye contact, please come back next year.'.

i didn't see that in any way as negative feedback.  soulkid has always been afraid to sing in front of people.  so.  i can see how she isn't used to looking at anyone.  she does need to work on it.  and we will encourage her to go back.  the word is only TWENTY people from houston went through.  20-- from thousands.  and you know half of them were for the entertainment value.  and half of the other ten can't sing.  but again -- soulkid took it in stride - and understands all this.  she will take the constructive critisism and run with it.  she will take advantage of the several 'open mic' nights they have around town, and work on her 'performances.'  and next time she will show them all what they passed up.
the kid has a voice like no one i know her age.  or some i even hear on the radio.  i wish she would let me video her so i could show y'all just what she can do-- she really is amazing !
she did sign the rights of her image to x-factor and AI -- so ya never know she may be on TV even tho she didn't get thru on either -- so do watch them.. she might be on there somewhere -
watch for this face - this beautiful little face !

aside from that ?  there has been lots of other things goin on round here too.  but lack of blogging or other means of keepin track - and my bad memory makes it hard for me to remember much of of it.  all i know is i have been a busy busy gal lately.

part of that is trying to keep up with the animal clan around this place.  we have way too many animals.  they are driving me half insane lately too.  if it's not chasing behind behind Eevee, cleaning up her near constant vomiting.  ugh. yes i know.  i do not know why it happens but the poor girl pukes almost every time she eats or drinks.  most of the time it is clear and foamy liquid.  it concerns me.  but some folks around here like to call it a 'sensitive stomach. hmmmm.  well, if i puked every time i ate or drank?  i do believe i would see a dr.  denial is a bitch.

then we come to sushi - the min pin - she barks - yaps the yappy dog - ear piercing bark.. incessantly - all day long at every sound - or sometimes nothing.  a doorbell or buzzer on tv -- omg - she has issues.  but yesterday ?  i had put her outside , and soon after i noticed her barking was 'too distant- for her to be in 'our' yard. i hurried to look outside- she wasn't there.  i followed her bark - she was in the backyard neighbors yard! luckily she came back over right away when i called her.  i saw where she came through the fence --   HERE

at first - i didn't get a close look - i just brought her inside - thinking she dug a hole.  man i was angry at her.  i spent half the day thinking how to fill a hole that size with hubby in wichita - and me in pain.  all i could think was a bag of sand.  which usually weighs fifty pounds.  ugh.
later on in the day - after hours of business stuff and running around out in town of business stuff. i was exhausted and tired .  i felt awful and sick.  i left many of my tasks i needed to do undone.  my main focus was the fence -- the rest could wait for today.  but the fence had to be fixed .  i went out back for closer inspection.  that's when i noticed that it was a broken fence panel...

so -- what did i do?  i considered goin back out to buy a cinder block -- but i just didn't have the energy to do that.  so i took a look around the garage -- and voila ! a filled with crap tool box ! ( 40 pounds worth!) but,   a soUlution !

sushi tested - sushi approved.

welp -- i spose that's all any of us have time for right now -- so let's all say laterz for now -- 
until next time -- have a pleasant day - and a better tomorrow -  let the day be good to you-