hi folks -- how are y'all doin?
i am hoping that i figured out this google reader - ticker thing -- this is my test post.
i was just tryin to figure out my settings and came across a several year old photo album ... here is a pic i found --- it is so OLD :))
i still remember trying to take that picture --- that fish was huge. that was one of the first pictures of me fishin that i tried to take of myself. it was not easy. as you can see - he was as big as my whole upper body . that's why i laid on the ground -- trying to get him and me in the pic together. it didn't work out too well. but it was fun.
i wonder what people thought watching me try to take that picture... i tried many times to get it right. :))
i also was wondering a few minutes ago, what would puppies look like if Chewie and Tuco had babies. LOL .. so we (me and Danielle Googled it -- a Malenois, Cane Corso Mix -- we actually found one .... it seems to look somewhat like i imagined ... a dog with issues.... you wonder why we were wondering? because we let our guards down this morning, and those two got a little too close for comfort -- it is a possibility BUT i sure hope NOT... but if it happened -- this is what we could end up with :))
let's hope they didn't get as close as we think they did :0
i found some more pics - but don't have time to explain em ... so i leave you to figure em out :)) or maybe you remember em? :))
oh yeh .. and just so ya know --- i DID make a phone call today --- i feel better about things --- there was a comment left about 'babies' .. i couldn't go another minute after that. i planned on calling... but that was a true fire under my ass.
ore vois :))