Monday, March 31, 2008

oops-- an early morning defensive rant

mornin peeps--

question of the day-----
ok-- maybe a couple questions of the day---

A- i have several regular readers and commenters here-- most of you i call my blog-friends. some i call my friends. a couple of you are even family--- more than a couple if i count the ones who don't comment.
there is a reason that you read here. nearly daily for many of you. i'm sure you have different reasons for coming here. so----

1- do you read - and/or comment here because you like honest writing. no fluff, no bullshit??

2- or do you read here for some sort of peek into the life of a person who has some problems getting through life? physical, mental, family, whatever?

3- why do you keep coming back?

i'm asking because, it seems i got an ultimatum of sorts. "be positive, or i lose a reader. " hmmm.
well.. this person, is one who one would think would be the most understanding of all of you. so i will admit-- 3 a.m. this morning, i was a bit .. well, shocked isn't the word. not at all. maybe pissed is it. actually-- i don't know the word right now.

if there's some of y'all that can't deal with real life issues.. and you want to read someone inflate their ego and live in denial of what their real life is... then this isn't the page for you to be a part of. there are thousands of blogs out there who are full of people who live in a fantasy world, and are 100 % positive 100% of the time. how honest are they? not very , not in my opinion.
therefore-- you don't find links to that type of blog on my list of links.

i began this blog -- for ME. as a stepping stone to something else. in the beginning, i had NO idea it would become what it has. sure, people have come and gone, and that is bound to happen. i'm sure it will continue to happen. sometimes people just don't click.

but anyhow-- i don't , i won't , and i haven't..since the beginning--- pretended to be anything i'm not. if anything i think i may have improved who i am... in many ways. because of all of you.
one thing is-- i have toned down my language quite a bit. sure-- you will see me cuss a bit-- a lot sometimes... but not like i did early on.

i've gone from "all about me" - to what's goin on in YOUR world. and i truly care about what goes on in your world.

y'all have been , and are a fantastic group of people, and support system for me. and many others who you have found through me-- or vice versa.

i don't have a fairy tale life-- i never have , and i don't expect that i ever will.
so if you're waiting for the happy ending here? don't expect it any time soon.

some days i will make you laugh-- some days i may piss you off, some days i'm a crybaby-- some days-- i make no bit of sense at all.

but i don't lie to you-- or me.

and if that's what you're looking for -- you won't find it here.

so just know this--
i have changed as much as i am willing to here.
this is my life-- it isn't fiction, it isn't glossed over.

i just don't know what a person wants or expects when they demand "positive", from a person who isn't always positive.

want positive?
read the Bible ... and good luck with that-- believe it or not-- even THEY had problems.

anyways-- here i am, i find myself defending my writing, and my character-- seemingly not for the first time. i don't think that's right or fair .. for me to be put in a position to even FEEL like i should need to do that.

so anyhow-- either stay-- or go-- if you can't handle who i am.. or what happens in my life--
then you are obviously living in a fantasy land. one without conflict. i suppose that's a good thing-- for you.
but if you can't deal with the real side of things-- find some fairy tale to read...there's plenty of bloggers out there who really are full of themselves, and their trophy life in a glass case.



Anonymous said...

dont worry so much about that who dont like it can leave... i will be here to can't get rid of me that easily.....

SOUL said...

i know yankee--


happy monday--pm..right?

Anonymous said...

you got it! yes..monday night..just had fish...not from the aquarium from the other day...of course..... :)

Mary said...

Comments can hurt. Especially when it's from an unexpected source. You are the person who first made me feel part of the blogging community. I'm here because I care and comment because I feel.

You are having a rough period right now and it ain't easy. Believe me, I know - I've looked Hell in the face, too. My life is easy now but it was a long, rough road getting here.

Blur Ting said...

That's the trouble with blogging sometimes... we start out writing for ourselves, and then we end up worrying about other people.

Just be yourself and blog what you feel like. It's your blog afterall. If the readers come, they come, if not, don't come.

If you ask me why I keep coming back. well, I have grown attached to you and what goes on in your life. I'm like checking in on you like I do on someone I care about. It's probably easier to just click and in one second, I know what's going on with you.

It's not so easy with my other friends who do not blog. I call them and they're in a meeting or busy or we get distracted talking about something else. I think having a blog is one of the best ways to stay in touch and keep track.

I like reading your blog. Don't ask me why.

Cheryl said...

I'm here because I like your writing. You often have me laughing out loud in public places. You're not fluffy. I like the good, bad, and the pictures of you kissing fish. Love your stories. You got a lot a SOUL.

PS..I slept 6 hours. How about you?

JLee said...

I like that you are so genuine and keep it real! I actually don't consider your blog negative or I wouldn't read it so much. We all have bad stuff happen and you just tell it like it is, so just be yourself. This is your journal/diary so to speak, so do whatever you want!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog to just see what's going on. I email but don't care to talk on the phone. funny, or rather wierd. Sissy and I will email back and forth; Bo will say why don't you just pick up the phone and call her! Email me about cooking 1988. auntie j

Karen said...

Hey Soul
Well I'm not technically a blogger anymore but I do try to pop in when I can because I love your blog. You're real and tell it like it is.

There are thousands of different types of blogs and we all have our own favourites. If someone doesn't like what they read here then they just need to delete the link and move on. Simple isn't it when you think about it?

Don't ever change who you are for ANYBODY Soul. You're actually very unique and its that uniqueness that will keep me coming back even though my own blog is growing cobwebs and dust bunnies.

Andrew said...

You are the first blogger I read that actually made me laugh out loud. I felt a connection with you because my life hasn't been rosy as well. I knew you would understand and be sympathetic to what I was going through. And I just plain like you as a person.

Jessica said...

You know what I love about blogs? That I don't have to care about losing readers. I did as a newspaper reporter. I had to be concerned about offending people, losing readers, not selling papers. The blog is about writing what you want when you want on your own schedule. It's therapy. It's giving a bit of yourself. It's community. Sometimes we vent on the blog, say things we can't say in real life.

At least for me, the blog is not about readers. Sure, I care about the readers. Like you said, they become friends, family even. But we need to remember why it all started. And if they don't like what they read, well then don't let the door hit you on the ass ya know?

I hope that commenter stubs her/his toe.

Oh, and why do I keep coming back?? Cuz you freaking rock. That's why. :)

Pardon me, I got a bit saucy in this comment....

Portia said...

you are AWESOME and you are REAL (and real isn't always awesome i know) and you mean the WORLD to me - and many others.
i started blogging to connect with people and you are definitely the one i have connected with the most. so even though i did't know you well at first, now i come here because i truly consider you my friend. i like how Cheryl put it when she said "You've got a lot of SOUL" so true and way more important than some fake facade:)
i'll return. i still want to catch up just don't hav e the time right now.
love you and love your blog:)

Brad said...

I come here because I think your funny. I love strong out spoken women. Your blog, your rules. If someone wants to put conditions on you and your writing maybe they do indeed need not come back here.

Peace Sister.

Portia said...

and you inspire me

The Real Mother Hen said...

You're funny.
You're crazy.
You're real.

Sometimes you're like a little chilli pepper when you cuss, S-P-I-C-Y, and I like it :)
Sometimes you're like a small animal which I just want to take it home and take good care of it!

In short, you're human, and you're a friend.

That's more than enough for me :)

Moohaa said...

You know, this is what has always irritated me about blogs. I doubt most of us started a blog with the intention of captivating readers with our life changing stories. I started mine as a journal that I could type. Nothing more.

I came here because I would read so many of your comments to others and they were kind and truly concerned. So I came here and discovered your humor and your trials and I began to know Soul and care for you. That's why I am here and thats why I remain.

Hugs and phooey on your picky commenter.

Portia said...

you crack me up XD <-- me cracking up
and that is SUCH a good thing!!!

josie2shoes said...

Dearest Soul Sis, The idea of anyone telling you (or anyone else) how to blog or what to blog offends me immensely. The whole concept of blogging is that it IS your private commentary on your life or whatever, being made available to an audience to read, enjoy and even comment. Sometimes people confuse the right to comment with the right to tell you how to blog or how to live your life. Pooey on them!

In answer to your question posed, I come here to read because I care about you and I want to see how your life is going. You are so right that none of us have picture-perfect fairytale lives, and I have always admired and respected the way you right - real, honest, down to earth, no frills, no pretenses.

So you loose a reader if you don't "positive up"? Who needs a reader like that anyway? Wave 'em bye bye and just keep being who you are.

I have seen you come a long, long way from when I first met you and I delight in every personal success you attain for yourself. I am glad to call you a friend and blogger buddy. Don't stop being Soul, we love you just as you are!

Rebecca said...

Don't worry about what anyone says. I agree that blogging can occasionally be a double edged sword, but really, you write for you. Be it catharsis, journal, news, whatever, it is what you need to do for you. That you have readers that come back almost daily, sincerely comment and offer support is fantastic, and a testament to how you have touched THEIR lives, and how they want to be in yours, even in this medium. For someone to tell you to alter the content of your space is obnoxious in the extreme. If they don't like what they are watching, change the fucking channel. Cuss, rant, whine, rejoice, brag, grieve, love, do all you want here.

I return because you are smart, funny and interesting. You are not a stepford blogger. You may be crazy, you may not be, but you have a man that adores you. You have more pets than me ;) and a kid around my son's age. It's all good. What the hell is normal anyway???

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

Soul - first I love your name - cuz that's all we all exist of - and I guess I love blogs because they are REAL - like you. thanks for your honesty. I wrote an honest book a while back and some people had trouble with it not being all rosy and sweet - but it was my experince - good or bad I can't deny that.

Anonymous said...

Was it on your blog I read PMS mentioned? I think it was. When I hear it, I always think of after Leigh Ann died, Betty got the kids, like 4 and 6. Joey was having a bad day at his uncle tony's cuz of Carol, his wife. Tony told him she was having her PMS days, etc. a couple of years later Betty's husband Bill was very sick, snapping at the kids. something he had NEVER done and wouldn't have then had he not been so sick. (he died) Betty tried to explain to Joey he wasn't himself, etc. Joey said 'that's ok. He's just having one of his PMS days". auntie j

Angie Weid said...


I would not want you any other way. A few people have griped about my blog not soley (is that a word? it is now) being about organizing. And really, how boring would that be?

People seem to forget it is your blog. If you don't like it, there are about 1,000,000 other ones out there.

.....Just none quite as cool, fun, honest and lovable as ours!

Smocha said...

I keep coming back because you're my sister and this is the only way that I hear from you.

I emailed you this morning and told you :I was kidding.(and sorry) I haven't heard a word back. And , as I was kidding, it wasn't an "ultimatum"

It just hurts ME (yes ,it's all about ME) that day after day , my sister sees so much negativity , not much positive.

It makes me hurt for you. I remember those days well. Believe me. I just KNOW and have learned that sometimes (during those years) YOU must inflict some positive thoughts in there. It helps.

I wasn't talking about a fairy tale. I am as realistic as you are.

I just get concerned when you are "miserable" too many days in a row. Excuse me for loving you

. "you are the wind beneath my broken wings"

"for me to be put in a position to even FEEL like i should need to do that."

You didn't have to. I was just joking. and you seemed to miss that.

"so anyhow-- either stay-- or go-- if you can't handle who i am.. or what happens in my life--
then you are obviously living in a fantasy land. one without conflict. i suppose that's a good thing-- for you."

Well, I think I am living a good ,fairly conflict free life, at the moment . And so will you...when you become an empty nester. But , I am not living in a fantasy land.

Maybe I'll try to write some "new age "fairytale"


Love me

Golden To Silver Val said...

Awww Jeez know why I come visit. You are REAL. Its just like sitting down at your kitchen table with a cup of coffee and chatting. Your writing is just that easy. Personally I don't really care for blogs that are all happy wappy all the time. NO ONE'S life is like that and it makes me feel uneasy to read blogs that try to portray that. You are real life with real problems and day to day happenings. Yep, sometimes you make me glad I don't have your luck and then sometimes you make me laugh with the way you word something and then other times I want to hug you because I feel like you're my friend and hope you feel the same about me.
Don't change anything Soul. Just be you. And keep writing....from your soul.

Love, Charlotte
when someone loves you and truly cares about you...they sometimes can't word things like they really want to say them...the typed word is kinda hard to get across with feeling and can often be misunderstood.

bonnie said...

Oh sweet,sweet Soul. I read you because of your love. You define the word for me. Your heart is enormous and courageous and beautiful and fun and compassionate and from time to time in pain. Hearts get to hurt if they get all the good stuff too. Yes, you ARE real. Never change. xoxoxo. Bon.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

It's all Monday's fault!

I did like that bit about the Bible...gotta admit I did laugh...but not at your expense..the comments expense.

AIehIE-eh? it's only Humpday!


mosiacmind said...

I read blogs because I like to know other people and with the disabilities that I have often times it is easier for me to make contact via the computer. I get encouraged when I read people being very real in what is going on with herself or himself...and I try to be real also. It is sad to me when I know people are hurting BUT also it makes me know that I am not the only one. Life is hard even when one believes in God. I encourage you like I like to encourage everyone to be who you are. I hope that Tuesday is going better for you

EE said...

I read your blog because you are the real deal. You're also funny as hell! I love hearing about your life...the ups and the downs. Continue to be true to yourself and true to your you just the way you are!