Monday, March 19, 2012

quick update from soul land -

there is a storma comin !  high winds all day , and the thunder just hit -- so i aint stayin here very long.  yikes! that was a big one. 

anyhow lots of folks have been askin bout hubby- thanks for that.  he is doin a lot better than he did after the first surgery-- he had his first follow up with the doc today -- here is what we saw when she unwrapped him ---

sexy eh?

it's healing nicely but it hurts like hell.

obviously he is on pain meds, but he has been able to lower the dose over the last couple days.

here is his new ride, as he can put NO weight on his foot for several more weeks .

he doesn't mind too much - crutches hurt him
ok folks i gotta get offa heah -- storm is bad already -- 

laterz = love and hugs y'all

the rest of the clan is fine


Josie Two Shoes said...

Well really it looks pretty darn good, all things considered! Glad he's doin' ok and behaving! It's just starting to rain here, wind has been blowing for an hour or so and the sky is pretty dark, as long as we don't get hail or tornaodes, I'm fine with it - we need the rain so badly! Take care and start thinkin on your One Question Wednesday questions! :-) Love you Soul Sis, thanks for checking in! ox

Unknown said...

Hope he recovers quickly.

And I want one of those scooter things. Not for any pain. Just to ride around.

Mary said...

Scooters are wonderful when you need them. It's good to see a big smile on his face. The foot looks good to have been through so much surgery. I know you are both glad that it's done and healing is well under way.

We are having record temps here. It's 89 degrees today! That's about 20 degrees warmer than normal.

Thinking of you, my friend. Love to you

Josie Two Shoes said...

In answer to your comment on my One Question Wednesday post...
Yes, Ma'am, it is still Tuesday, :-) Some of us post our questions early to give the other person time to think about their answers. You can post a question for me here anytime today or tomorrow or tomorrow nite, I'll answer them as they come in and as I have time! You already have your question from me, so you are good to go! :-)

Debbie said...

Looking pretty good, but I can imagine it's sore as heck. Glad he is smiling :)

I went to the 'question' post and didn't comment. I don't know why LOL

Love ya!

Raine said...

wow that looks painful

SOUL said...

He is able to walk on his heel in the house and sleep w/0 the boot since yesterday . Same old boot and kne
E cooter otherwise for two more weeks