Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm Ok, you're ok

Hey folks, i just wanna say thanks to you peoples who've been checkin in, emailing, and calling, and such. I am really doin ok. Better than even i thought i was doing. I'm doin great! I didn't realize that until today til i talked to my really close friend on the phone and she made it clear to me that i am doin better than i knew. I love her for that - and so much more!!! I have other friends that make me aware of things i don'tbsee too.. And it helps so much!, A shit ton more than the folks that have comments that bring me don,thinking tey are comedians etc. orbthinking teir sense of humor is 'the way to go'... I have warped sense of humourvtoo.. And it has a way ofkeping me alive at times too. But there are timestoo, that i need a true friendtonunderstand when life is serious.... And y'all that have recently stepped up and taken the time to take things seriosly - i love ya for that. ! Now and always!!!! Somehow this text got all screwedbup... If you can decipher it, perfect! If not? Sorry.. I can't either :((


Josie Two Shoes said...

Hi Soul Sis! Delighted to see your post up! Nothing is more frustrating than writing away only to lose it in somewhere in outerspace! I knew you would make it thru this tough week, you always do, I wish it it got easier as the years pass, but I really doubt it ever will. Some things just tug at the heart too much. But as it says here, you're ok, and hey... I remember that TA slogan from the 70's too! Shows 'em how old we are, huh? LOL
How is the Soulman doing post-op?

Josie Two Shoes said...

I am so with you on the comments... I love the ones that make me laugh, deeply appreciate the ones that show they care, and am sometimes taken aback by some of the terse things folks will say. So easy to stand on the outside lookin' in, huh? You take care and have a good week, baked chicken w/rice and green chili cooking in the oven here, soon to be supper, furkids are circling!:-)

Lynx217 said...

I always luv a soulpost! <3 chickie. u take care of yourself k? ya got my email, use it anytime!