that was then.
who woulda ever thought that this
little dude woulda turned into
THIS little guy?
not so little eh?

but, this is now.
and hopefully
happiness forever.
(did i cry when i saw the pix?
i'll never tell. :))
aren't they adorable?
and hopefully
happiness forever.
(did i cry when i saw the pix?
i'll never tell. :))
ok.. on to other things.... someone mentioned they hoped i could sleep off yesterdays migraine. well.. did i? you betchya! i slept from about about 1230 or 1 until... this morning at like 7 a.m. !! the migraine is gone -- but now i can't move for the friggin back and neck pain. someone really just nees to take me out and shoot me like some ole glue factory horse--- i aint worth anymor than that lately.
these past four days our so -- i am totally useless. the pain and tiredness is killin me.
and i really don't know why i'm so dang tired. i've been sleeping pretty good at night--- but i have been sleeping for hours during the day too. and this is the week i really need to be cleaning my house-- to make it presentable for company! i have been overcome by pain this week though, maybe that has somethin to do with it-- i had three migraine days in a row-- cramps-- and back pain. four days of pure hell.
ok... whine fest over.
oh-- summer school... i don't even remember if i mentioned the outcome of that-- it's a yes. she started yesterday. good thing tho? somehow, i got out of paying this time. i don't know how-- i think it has something to do with her not attending the full year. as she was enrolled and disenrolled a couple times. anyhow-- otherwise i woulda had to pay like 200.00. ugh. thank God for small..ok big.. favors. so yep-- 7:50- noon for three weeks. she was pretty upset at first -- obviously. but after realizing, that she would have a chance at catching up-- if she actually worked hard-- if she did her work in summer school-- and one semester at this school next year-- she would actually be able to NOT repeat the full 9th grade next year. she could just do one semester-- or less, as they work at their own pace at this school. she could move into the tenth grade as soon as she was caught up. it wouldn't work that way if she went into 9th at a regular school next year. partly, because she wouldn't have the same motivation, and partly because it just wouldn't work that way. so by the 10th grade golden carrot being dangled in front of her-- i think she will work hard, and do well. at least i hope so. i also think she is finally accepting responsibility for where she's at right now. she messed up and she knows it. we did more than our part to help her. it's her turn now. and other than school.. she is doing good for now-- and lately. so i'm just gonna do what i can, and the rest is her responsibility.
well, hmmmm... it kinda sucks when ya sleep half your life away-- i don't think i have much else to say right now. i do have a ton of laundry to do though.. along with other housework. my fridge is still sparklin clean..and mostly empty :)) i need to get groceries, and do what cleaning i can before i suffer the mysterious burnout.
really the nap thing used to be a way of life for me, but this is gettin bad lately. no way should i be sleepin 14 hours straight.. it's only been that bad a few times... but that is just wrong. and four or five hour naps? not likin that either. i even switched my meds around the the drowsy ones i take at night.. and a few nights i have even been-- or fallen asleep without them... it's been literally years since i've slept through the night without meds. WTH? if i hadn't gained all this weight i'd be thinkin i might need to see a doctor... but i'm too fat to be sick. what to do, what to do.
anyhow peeps... i'll get into my comment boxes and reply real quick, then i gotta get some work done before i gotta go get my child.
happy tuesday!
these past four days our so -- i am totally useless. the pain and tiredness is killin me.
and i really don't know why i'm so dang tired. i've been sleeping pretty good at night--- but i have been sleeping for hours during the day too. and this is the week i really need to be cleaning my house-- to make it presentable for company! i have been overcome by pain this week though, maybe that has somethin to do with it-- i had three migraine days in a row-- cramps-- and back pain. four days of pure hell.
ok... whine fest over.
oh-- summer school... i don't even remember if i mentioned the outcome of that-- it's a yes. she started yesterday. good thing tho? somehow, i got out of paying this time. i don't know how-- i think it has something to do with her not attending the full year. as she was enrolled and disenrolled a couple times. anyhow-- otherwise i woulda had to pay like 200.00. ugh. thank God for small..ok big.. favors. so yep-- 7:50- noon for three weeks. she was pretty upset at first -- obviously. but after realizing, that she would have a chance at catching up-- if she actually worked hard-- if she did her work in summer school-- and one semester at this school next year-- she would actually be able to NOT repeat the full 9th grade next year. she could just do one semester-- or less, as they work at their own pace at this school. she could move into the tenth grade as soon as she was caught up. it wouldn't work that way if she went into 9th at a regular school next year. partly, because she wouldn't have the same motivation, and partly because it just wouldn't work that way. so by the 10th grade golden carrot being dangled in front of her-- i think she will work hard, and do well. at least i hope so. i also think she is finally accepting responsibility for where she's at right now. she messed up and she knows it. we did more than our part to help her. it's her turn now. and other than school.. she is doing good for now-- and lately. so i'm just gonna do what i can, and the rest is her responsibility.
well, hmmmm... it kinda sucks when ya sleep half your life away-- i don't think i have much else to say right now. i do have a ton of laundry to do though.. along with other housework. my fridge is still sparklin clean..and mostly empty :)) i need to get groceries, and do what cleaning i can before i suffer the mysterious burnout.
really the nap thing used to be a way of life for me, but this is gettin bad lately. no way should i be sleepin 14 hours straight.. it's only been that bad a few times... but that is just wrong. and four or five hour naps? not likin that either. i even switched my meds around the the drowsy ones i take at night.. and a few nights i have even been-- or fallen asleep without them... it's been literally years since i've slept through the night without meds. WTH? if i hadn't gained all this weight i'd be thinkin i might need to see a doctor... but i'm too fat to be sick. what to do, what to do.
anyhow peeps... i'll get into my comment boxes and reply real quick, then i gotta get some work done before i gotta go get my child.
happy tuesday!
Don't beat yourself up getting the house all sparkly for me. I'm a laid back chick, just a bed and warm shower and I'll be just fine.
2 and a wake up!
When can you have the thyroid scan? Did you have an appointment for it? Sorry I can't remember. Tired and weight gain are classic for thyroid being lazy. Thinking of you.
angie--i'm not even goin for sparkly-haha- i think that's not possible for this place. not unless i evict the soul clan--and pets for the nest three days. then there may be hope. i'm just shootin for clean. but when ya sleep all the time-- it makes it kinda difficult.
don't worry-- you'll be comfy- you won't be runnin to the nearest hotel or anything :))
and you do have a bed and a hot shower--- it even has tile now!-- you don't know the whole story - but when my sis came-- both showers had half the wall out. thanks to the soul- monster :))
don't worry about her tho-- she's a pretty good kid now too. well, for the most part. even clean- she's still 15.
hey-- is that a poem comin on? could be..maybe a bad one.
i shall see you SOON-
nest? i really do think i'm going blind. ugh
that would be next- three days. ugh.
hiya mary-- don't worry about me-- i'm more worried about you-
and-waitin for the next update.
i do have an appointment with the ENT about the thyroid-- it's on the 23rd.. i will let ya know what they say-- but i do have a feelin it's gonna be a hurry up and wait thing-- cuz he prolly will want a new scan to see if there has been any changes-- and that took time to get in, then it took two days to complete-- then wait for results.
i hate doctors. and i hate waiting. and i hate the whole thing about never knowing what-- if anything is wrong with me.
so-- like i said-- don't worry about me- just take care of you--and let me know what you know- when you know somethin k?
take it ez
Glad she is going to summer school! Good!
oh...and I posted...Lolol
bout time donna :)) i'm comin ovah
hi ya sweet pea - sorry I've been no where to be found - out playing in the sun shine - sounds like your doing 'ok' better then not good at all! Hugs baby!
Hang tough, your daughter may protest and holler now but some day she'll be so thankful to have a Momma who pushed her about the schoolin'.
Sorry about the summer school....its a royal pain...been there done that with my kid. But....someday she will be glad you made her do this, mine is. Sigh...why do they always have to learn the hard way? Hope you start feelin' better soon. I'm thinkin' of ya, toots. Love Charlotte.
lovely couple!
Summer school will be over before you know it! Hang in.
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