Wednesday, May 21, 2008

don't hate me----

i'll make my rounds tomorrow-- i promise...
it got late on me-- then we watched idol-- now i am wiped out and have to take my sore, old lady self to bed. i didn;t get to your pages today-- sorry.
i did get most my errands done tho-- so i will have more -- sit on my butt time tomorrow.

david cook won on american idol. i kinda didn't want him to-- so he would get an album out sooner-- but he cried and was real happy to good for him. hopefully they won't ruin his style...

g'nite-- hope y'all sleep well..
see ya soon--


Moohaa said...

I'm first?? Awesome!

Come on by tomorrow, Soul, you gotta check out my 'do.

Btw, I have shown Everyone I know that Cletus take the Reel song... oh man. It's still funny.

Big ol hugs! Sleep well friend!

Jessica said...

Hiya Soul. I was surprised David Cook won. He might have been better off if he didn't. But I gotta say I can see myself paying money for his music. Not the other David. The other David squinted constantly and gotta say he just didn't do it for me. I like my rockers!

Have a great day!

SOUL said...

me too fostah.. i really like cook... i'm worried they'll make him sing too many ballads and not in the way he likes to naturaaly.

the other david was more ai style-- he was learning to open his eyes tho :))

give him a year or two. he will have an album out tho--and he got a car-- he'll be fine.

i'm buyin cooks album tho-- i do like him.

i can't believe i watch that show-- but i've watched it every year-- seems all i do is get more bitchy about it every year tho-- i think it's time for new judges.

happy thursday girls..

KEL i like the new look!

Smocha said...

I don't watch that stupid show. I know...I'm the only one in America.

I feel like such a social outcast now. :)

Where the heck are you???acknowledge hawg!

Love me

SOUL said...

i was playin catchup---

phew-- that's hard work when you're behind. dontcha know.

now i have to do my work.. which wil take the rest of the day--
does it evah end??

Mary said...

Good night's sleep? I certainly hope so. More relaxed day? I certainly hope so. A day filled with things to smile about? I certainly hope so - for both of us.

I watch very little TV so I'm never "in-the-know" about what's happening. The one exception is Lost. I've promised myself that when it ends I'll never get hooked on another program.

I have doctor appointments this afternoon. YUCK and double YUCK! I don't expect any bad news - just routine 'have-do-do' because it's time.

Have a good day and do something that you enjoy.

SOUL said...

hi mary--
we do sound so alike-- there's a few of us eh?
dr's meds, pain, and bitchin about it all.

will we ever find the help we deserve???
doubtful in the age of pushing ten patients thru an hour huh.

i hope you too, have a great day , considering the asshats in your path... it CAN be done.. on occasion.

i know whatcha mean about tv.. i hate to be hooked on three shows at a time.. like hells kitchen, idol, and survivor-- it takes up a whole week almost-- but sometimes it's ok. if we didn't go out to eat so much we'd save a lot of money during that season.
that shit really has to stop ya know.
the goin out to eat i mean. ugh. i have just felt like crap for so long-- i don't shop--i don't cook. i need help.

no-- i just need a good dr-- to find out wth. ya know.
i think i finally found the one.. this neuro doc. i really hope so. he seems to be knowledgeable. and concerned. let's HOPE so eh?

i really know somethins goin on.. since october-- jamie does too-- let's hope this guy can find it.

ok.. i'm done.

hopin you have a good day!!