Wednesday, March 5, 2008

one down - two to go- :))

but, the MRI was "normal" :))
whatever THAT means
(ya just nevah know with me)
woo hoo


josie2shoes said...

See, we knew you head wasn't full of chicken feathers or marbles!! This is great news, one less thing to fear. I'm assuming they are using the term "normal" loosely here - not sure either you or I could qualify for that under strict standards! LOL :-)

Smocha said...


I'll wash your dishes if you go to the store for me. lol

Damn, why didn't I go while i was out???

Andrew said...

YES!!!! I am sending Maggie to chase Jitterbug! LOL Seriously though, that is one less thing to worry about. I hope you stay well.

Moohaa said...

Thats fantastic! One worry out of the way.

Anonymous said...

alright! congrats...good thing it was a "one-off" thing...!

Mary said...

Whew!! I know that's a load off your mind. That means the convulsion was related to a combo of flu and meds doesn't it? Whatever, I'm so happy the MRI was "Normal"

Now all that remains is a long successful fishing session to put you completely back in the groove.

Blur Ting said...

Normal is good. I was telling you about my friend who had a seizure. For her, the MRI showed there was bleeding in her brain. Some blood vessels burst. So, thank goodness yours is normal.

SOUL said...

hi all... yep a huge relief ..

still waiting now for the cat scan and eeg results-- but i expect they will be be fine since the mri was. hopefully that's not getting ahead of myself. we will see i spose. if all does come back good though i should be able to drive.. i hope so at least.

hope y'all are havin good nights---

smocha did you go to the store? i washed my dishes--AND cooked..

hey brotha!

SOUL said...

hey blur--you snuck in there-- holy crap-- what was your friends diagnosis? other than the bleeding i mean? did she have more seizures? is she ok? wow. yes i am glad mine came back good... it's pretty scary to be my age and just have a seizure out of the blue like that.

have a good day-- or night-- :))

Golden To Silver Val said...

OMG, this is GREAT news! I'm so glad. I think the other tests will be good too. God, I love that bucky dog....she reminds me of somebody, I just can't think who. Looks like she's sayin', "Is that so?". Keep smilin' soul-friend.
Keep taking good care of yourself too! Prayers and hugs! Charlotte

Karen said...

You're NORMAL....that's awesome Soul. If that shows nothing scary then I'm sure the other two will be good too. I think the MRI is the one that normally reveals the scary things, or at least it was with me.

JLee said...

yeah!!! That's great news. (except for the fish controlling your brain. We'll have to see a specialist about that one ;)

Rebecca said...

That is AWESOME news!!! One down, two to go.

The Real Mother Hen said...

Oh this is such a good news Soul! I feel so relief!!!

AHHHHH, I'm going to do a little dance, because I'm really glad about your results!

SOUL said...

motha doin the happy dance--woo there's a visual... :))

Rebecca said...

That would be the chicken dance, no?
