Thursday, February 21, 2008

overmedicated? i doubt it, but still, i got nuthin

yep it is actually quiet here at the moment.. even the animals are quiet-- strange for a morning. usually it's animania!
anyhow-- my voice is crap-- so i'm not even talking to them today. so they are all strewn about sleeping.
and hubby and the child are gone for their days out in the real world -- as i sit here and wonder-- what-- other than picking up rx's will i do today with MY world. hmmmm. good question. i'll let ya know latah.

so anyhow--- i spose that's it.
i'm snotty, and hacky, and kinda tiahd and sickly---
hoping it will ALL pass by tomorrow---
so i can do THIS:


happy thursday to y'all


Rebecca said...

HA. I'm first :) Gotta say, Soul, the girl with the stitched lips is a very disturbing image. A picture can paint a thousand words, none of which can she utter. hmmmm.

Rebecca said...

Oh, and pages? Did I read that you sent Jess pages? hmmm. your book is underway, then, yes?


SOUL said...

very interesting observation R--
you are just too good , for your own good. :))

ummm... what pages?
i don't see no pages. :))

ttyl :))
hope you have a good day

SOUL said...

oh and YES you are FIRST...
we need to come up with a daily prize in our blogging circle--
the early bird gets SICK??
seems like it lately tho-

Jessica said...

You have a whole day with no obligations but to get better. I say curl up under some comfy covers. Take naps. Eat popsicles. They always make me feel better when I'm sick.

Mary said...

......And happy Thursday to you, too. Rest and picture yourself catching that 10 pounder. Hope you feel much, much better by evening.

JLee said...

Man, this weather is not helping one bit either! I don't want to go to work for sure. Hope you feel better so we can go have lunch next week. I am laughing because the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the first picture was "John Boy" lol

Portia said...

ew, one of those pictures really creeped me out. enjoy the quiet day and focus on getting better. ...and if you must focus on something else, i hope it's something good:)
a happy day to you too!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

It's thursday already??? ;0)

I'm sorry to hear that you're sick, mustha gotten it from all of us snowqueens dealing with drama frigid temps up here.hahahah..

Matter of fact, I do do that, that is, clean the hotel rooms prior to the maid arriving,...RELEASE THE FREAKS! And while we're at it, BRING BACK YOUR VOICE TOO!
Feel better soon, please. Arentcha supposed to be heading out of town this weekend? Gosh, feel better.

Now I sound all WallyBeaverish, so I shall go and reply to the comments in my post. :)

Feel better!

that woman with her mouth sewn shut, that's freaky!
I think I'm going to blow it up and tape it somehow over the hubby so he can have that to look at when he first rises in the morning. scary scary.. :0 OOOO

Golden To Silver Val said...

I'm sooo sorry that Bucky Bronco Itis hit you. He's a mean one, that one. Took me FOREVER to get rid of him. I'd take those antibiotics if I were you. This is what I had when I told you I was in 'pee hell'. All that coughing....coughing...and COUGHING. Feel better soon! They sent us home early from work...a coworker died in a horrible way. I'm in shock.

Angie Weid said...

Where did you find the stiched lip pic? We should have a contest to see who can find the most odd and disturbing picture.

Hope you feel better soon, and get out and catch a big ol' bass.

Angie Weid said...

Oh, I forgot. The new Toledo hockey team mascot was unveiled yesterday..... A Walleye (a fish).

everyone is wondering what they were thinkin' nameing a team after a fish. Though you might enjoy the little tidbit. The mascot is kinda cute, the fish is even missin a front tooth. Though I don't even know if walleyes have teeth.

Jamie said...

I have to agree - I thought John Boy, too. LOL

Scary scary girl with sewn up lips...hmmmm....

I hope your are feeling oh-so-much-better!

This day will never end.



EE said...

Where did you find that picture? It's freaking me out!