Thursday, December 31, 2009

good bye 2009

howdy peoples ---
would someone like to tell me just what the hell happened in the below post? could that be senility run rampant? when i 'proof-read' it the first time, i guess i was more scanning than really readin it. but this morning? good lawd. did anyone really get was i was even sayin? cuz i'm not even sure that i did.
i swear to you-- i was stone cold sober-- and drug free. you all know i don't do either-- well unless i make the mistake of 'sleep-bloggin' -- which for those who don't know- is when i decide to get online after i ingest a horses dose of xanax -- which happens to be the only thing that makes me able to sleep at night. and also makes -- sometimes-- for an interesting read, or comment, wherever i may end up.
but--- nope--- that post was written in the morning-- usually my most lucid time of day. hmmmmm.
did someone mention concrete boots? :)) i kid. sorta. if i ever do get as bad off as my mom --- really, just take me fishin--one last time.
so. yeh. sorry for that mess of a post. could y'all imagine if i didn't write at all though? that is what my head is like all the time. just a swirl of past, present and future goblee goop floatin around with no where else to go. and folks wonder why i have that stupid look on my face all the time. ha! now you know.
'whatchya thinkin bout soul'?
for real!
when folks reply 'nothing' to that question-- it just baffles me. and i only wonder if it is really even possible to think of nothing at all. is it? you tell me. cuz i have never had an empty thought in my mind.

ok-- nevermind-- i'm a lunatic, we all know this. but hey-- i'm a fun lunatic. :))
well.. i can be. i'm more fun on here than in real life. i'm too -- something-- in real life. wound up? whatever ya call it. people phobic. i just don't like to talk much. out loud at least. but as you all know-- i could write for days :))
hey-- nobody said it had to make any sense. show me that rule on blogger. :))

ok. so. take a wild guess at what my plan of the day is today. just guess. ok-- i'll spare you the agony-- cuz we all know-- with me-- it could be anything-- or nothing. right?

well, here's a hint :

jitterbug barfed on my checkbook last night!!!!
ok , thatt's not the hint-- but it did happen, and it was no fun at all to clean up-- why my check-book? what a dumb ass . besides that? it was on my couch! and not the leather one-- nooooo, this requires real cleaning. dammit.

ok, sorry-- back to your hint---

Blogger JLee said...

Thank you so much for the Xmas card. Sorry I'm just getting around to thanking you ;) I am about to have a gift for you...hehe. Santa said you've been a good girl (sort of) I hope things look up for you and it always helps to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" My daughter and I watched that last weekend.

8:45 AM, December 15, 2009

well--- today i am meeting my friend Jlee for lunch, as well as the pass off, of my gift from 'santa'.
i aint tellin ya what it is yet--- but if you come back this evening-- you will see it. cuz i'm gonna put a pic of it up here. i haven't seen it yet. but it is something that i know she put her heart into. it is nothing that anybody on earth could have bought for me. and i didn't even ask for it. it's something she knew i have wanted for many years, but never found the right way to get it.

there my friends, is your hint.
come back tonight for the unveiling.
i just know i will love it. i think it will make me cry-- but not in a bad way.
i'm so excited i can't contain myself.

so anyhow---- moooovin on-- i did get christmas put up yesterday-- well, all but my snowbabies-- damn pain put the brakes on before i got to them. i'll do those today.
can't wait to get the rest of the place put back together-- and get this place lookin like a home.
it's so middle of the road ever since we moved in i can't stand it. someone should come visit and help me decorate-- i'll pay your way-- well, except smocha-- altho i'd love to-- i'd have to sell something-- ummm, everything, to get ya here. tell hubby you need a vacation :))

well folks -- i must get things rollin here-- y'all have happy days today
and be very very careful if you're out and about tonight celebrating!

happy new year my friends :))


Donna said...

Sorry 'bout the checkbook...Euwwwwww!!LOL
Have a FUN time meeting with your friend sweetie!!
Stop Stressing...
Happy New Year!!

Golden To Silver Val said...

Hope you had a good time and I can't wait to see the picture/s. Hugzzzzzz.

Brenda said...

The check book thing kinda sounds like the sort of luck I'm graced with occasionally. Happy New Year!! Have fun visiting with your bud!

Donna said...

You crack me up! You write the way my brain seems to work (or not work). But I could never, ever write that way in a million years! I'm just too anal. You read my blog stuff, and folks probably think - oh my, she's so sweet and boring! Little do they know that my mind just zips from one thing to the other all day long. Glad to know that I'm not the only one, LOL!

Anyhoo, have a happy new year! One without barf to clean up! Now there's a goal...

JLee said...

Sorry for the delay in the unveiling, but it will come! lol
Have a Happy New Year Soul and family :)

Smocha said...

my mind is like that too but none of the thoughts are complete. lol

Well, hurry! the suspense is killing me! what is it? what is it??

happy New Year!
Love me

Cheryl said...

Happy New Year Soul-O. I wish you health. And wealth. And happiness. Especially health and happiness, cause that's what really matters.

Savannah said...

I don't know what you're talking about with the last post. I thought it was great.

Have a fun time with JLee and tell her I said hi if I'm not too late.