Tuesday, May 5, 2009

do i look fat when i whine?

hiya folks--- (ugh--happy mysterious underlining )

anyhow i've been thinkin about what to write this morning and it seems all i keep coming up with is this :

know why? cuz i'm a cry baby. that's why. everything i think of to write is complaining. should i go on? if i don't, i won't have a post. you want to hear it don't you?

i could start out with some good news first--- how bout that? ok.
my best friend just got introduced to her first grandbaby !!!! he was born last night.
i'm so happy for her. and for her daughter too. he's a boy-- the baby, i mean. his name is Brody. apparently he may have some problems, he was almost two weeks early, and i'm not quite sure yet what the problems are, but she did ask for prayers. so if y'all could , let's pray for little Brody. i can't wait to see a picture of him! i have a mental picture in my mind, and he's a pretty chunky fella in my head. i love fat babies. the ones ya just wanna grab and never let go.

me and my sis had fat babies and ya just couldn't help but grab those chubby lil things and tickle em til they laughed so hard they couldn't breathe.
brody sounds like a chunk. i can't wait to see him!

ok so anyhow-- where was i? oh ya.. i'm not gonna go into full detail.. cuz really-- i have NO detail. i do know some of you are wondering what--if anything i found out at the dr yesterday with the ultrasound tho. (i was gonna post before i left, but i left such a long blabbing comment in sundays box that i didn't bother to post-- i planned to post when i got back---BUT---) y'all know, i AM the queen of google, and since the asshats at the VA hospital said word ZERO... seriously-- nothing... nada...zilch... to me about the ultrasound.. other than i could leave now. ERG! i got home --- HOURS after leaving .. my appointment was at at 130-- i left at 1130-- i walked in the door at home at almost 6 p.m. see why i hate to go there??? absolutely HATE it.
so anyhow--- what did i do for the next four hours? yep , you guessed it-- i spent it on google. all i had to work with was my written report of the mamogram .
and, i don't know what to say from here... except that that when i was done last night- i came to two conclusions. i didn't have enough information to work with. and i am seriously thinking of getting a second opinion on the outside from a REAL dr. i saw the screen during the ultrasound, and compared it to some i saw i google--- i do not trust the VA at all. i don't even know why i let them do this in the first place. i have insurance and i have much better options--- that don't require the stress of driving to dallas and sittin in that hospital for hours upon hours-- only to be left wondering.
when i was in new mexico-- i had no insurance-- and i had no other options than to use VA. WTH am i thinking???

ugh. so anyways. that's about it outta me for now.

hope you all have happy days out there today-

1 comment:

Brad said...

I think seeing a REAL doctor is the best idea I've heard. I worry about the care your NOT getting at VA. We all know the don't get funded, they try hard and all but when they're ignored by the guberment what the ehll are they suppose to do. Go to a real Doc and send them the freakin bill!

I know, dreaming but hey it pisses me off.