Sunday, April 5, 2009

just another sunday--

hiya folks

wth is it with the weather around here? yesterday woulda been the perfect day to go fishin-- it was HOT, wind was low, sun was shinin, --- whaddaya think is goin on right now-- well, since i woke up? the wind is whistlin! it sounds even creepy. haven't gone to the weather page but my guess is about 40 mph. i do not fish in the wind--andymore than jim croce spits into it. i hate to fish in the wind. hell i hate to BE in the wind. and -- it's COLD. wtf people? the weather gods are schitzo- shit. ruined my whole days plans.
now i guess it;s just work. paperwork, bills, house cleaning. all that fun stuff we all love so much.
to top off my morning bitch atack--- i am gonna run out of cigs in about an hour-- and will be forced to face the elements. i need a errand fairy!!! BRAAAAD???? :))

i joined facebook a few days ago-- i really don;t like it at ALL! it has too many stupid things on it that i just don't get. and yesterday i did some -- top five thing-- now i am hammered with SPAM , i even got a couple phone calls! i hate that. if i had known-- i woulda never done that thing. i even put a fake phone number! close but off-- and they still got me. i think i will be cancellin and stayin here where i am comfortable--and can at least maneuver myself around.
ugh the wind out there is drivin me batty.

i still haven't finished my taxes-- or got the program i need to use to do em.
i did however buy a adding machine yesterday-- a real one-- that i can SEE-- and print off of. it's pretty cool--but is takin some getting used to. and as much as i mess with banks etc-- it will come in handy even after the taxes-- IF i ever finish them. i really think i will be handing that task over to soulman today though---- i can';t like it.

yesterday i got some bad news. or should i say read some bad news..... one of my new blog pals daughter was found dead a few days ago. it was horrible to find that. and worse that i hadn't been to her page in days--so found out late. it is unknown exactly how she died--but "fowl play" may be involved. i can't handle hearing of people losing people-- me and death don't deal well together. i don't know why i feel the way i do about certain things--- but death and divorce disturb me. especially when the death is a child. of course this gal was not a child--- she was my friends' child. and it breaks my heart. because i know how that feels...i know how that is. and i know it never goes away. it is a heartbreak that should not even exist. a mother is never the same after such a thing.,
and it is a horrible matter when-- or what the cause. it is just not natural.
please send prayers to her and her family. that they will heal quickly and not be destroyed by their loss. any loved ones death is painful--- but that of your own child-- is hell on earth. her name was Stephanie.

she is asking for donations to be sent to NAMI--or LUPUS.... if you can do this , please do. any amount will help.

wow. i still can't get my head around this. we had talked of her daughter just a few weeks ago. it's tough. and i hate it for her.

anyhow-- that just ripped every other thought out of my head.
maybe i;ll come back later with more.

hope you all have nice days today--


Angie Weid said...

Sorry to hear about your friends loss. just terrible. Been having a challenging week myself. As the old saying goes: "if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was." Time will tell ...

SOUL said...

sorry to hear that ang...
i think i have an idea what's goin on...
hope it works out the way it's sposed to

hang in there babay!

Donna said...

I'm SO Sorry sweetie!! It makes it harder when you can't get to them...but the flowers are beautiful! Sweet sentiment...
And I don't like FaceBook either...I have an account but do Not use it...that reminds me I need to close it down, if you Can!hughugs

SOUL said...

donna-- i think you know this person...but i'm not sure.. it is doris's daughter. tragic. sad. and just not right.

and you're right-- it's hard to not be there for someone when ya want to be.
in these cases-- you just can't do enough though. whether you're there or not.

hope your day is good to you

Mary said...

Those of us who have lost a child certainly understand - to have the loss a result of foul play is probably even worse. My heart goes out to the mother and family.

I'm dropping facebook, too. I'm too old to be learning new tricks. I haven't perfected the tricks I already know on blogger. I joined facebook because our daughter posts videos of the granddaughter there. At first I thought facebook was OK, but I've changed my mind.

SOUL said...

mary-- i watched a couple of your d's vidz-- very cute--

and yup me too-- i don't have the brainpower to learn all that new stuff on facebook. pkus the stupid spam ---eegads--erg-- and ugh--
not for me...i'll stay with what i know.,

happy sunday lbf o-mine

josie2shoes said...

It was very sad to hear about your friend's daughter,Soul Sis. Since both you and I have struggled with our own fears keeping our daughters alive and well, we know how fragile and precious life is and how important it is to tell them how much we love them.

I have a Facebook accout too, but rarely use it, I guess "social networking" is just not all that interesting to me. I like to write, and that's what blogging is all about.

You hang in there, you are a very caring friend. And yes, today's weather really sucks. That wind is COLD outside!

Donna said...

Doris?? I'm not sure I know a Doris...Do I????? OhMy...Which blog?

EE said...

Oh, Soul. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. It seems like everywhere I turn, something horrible is happening to someone.