Monday, March 2, 2009

i feel a bad day comin

i slept late today--- like two hours longer than i planned to. and i am supposed to be somewhere at 9. will i make it? i have no idea. i have to take a shower, and a bunch of other crap before i can leave-- and i have to have half an hour driving time. soooo-- this being fort worth-- YOU do the math. ugh. my clock (which is my phone) is hereby fired ! i haven't heard it or woken up to it in months.
i shouldn't complain tho-- cuz most of the last 13 years..i didnt even need an alarm. but since most days i do now-- i must have a clock my deaf ears can hear.

in a way tho, i'm glad i didn't wake up at 3 or 4 today.. cuz <----- THAT is how i felt when i got up-- not to mention

<----- THIS too. late, and in pain. my head feels---felt like it was gonna blow off my shoulders--- and my frickin back has been hurting, and having that burning nerve shit goin on for days. i have pain meds... they do help-- but i have sawed thru them so fast lately due to this crap--- that i broke down and got aspirin a few days ago. i KNOW i'm not supposed to take it-- and i haven't in months... not since i was told i had a belly bleed , and never to take it--or derivatives ever again. but i just can't stand the pain anymore. the measly 30 pain pills a month i do get-- rx'd every 4-6 hours--- ha!.. do the math there too--- that doesn't work. i do take about 2-3 a day-- so yep-- within 10-12 days -- they're gone-- so what happens the next two weeks of the month? yep-- i suffer. so-- i had to get the asperin-- which---on blood thinners alone is a ugh. i just hate fuckin doctors. all of them. selfish motherfuckin bastards--- all they worry about is themselves. i really don't see how a dr. could get in trouble rx'ing long term meds to someone who really needs them. pain alone causes someone to be depressed--- and i can't say it doesn't just drive me mad. ok , i'm done with that rant--this time. i just suppose this is as good as it gets... and i spose that has to be good enough. so i'll move to goodenough rd. maybe it'll remind me too stop bitchin.

and just accept that this is how i will look and feel ... until ---
well.. just until .

like it---- or not.
it's the life i was given... and perhaps this really is as good as it gets. so i may as well get used to it.

and on that happy note--- i am outta heah!

see ya latah peeps---
have happy days in your worlds today!

i'll get back to you on mine...


RiverPoet said...

Soul -

Girl, I truly do feel your pain. I have so much in common with you, including the belly bleed. I spent a few days in an ICU in Feb' 07 because I bled out and nearly died. Even so, there are some days when only an Aleve (which is a no-no for me) will do the trick. God, just the arthritis in my hands is enough to drive me insane some days.

On another note, it sounds like to me that you need to see a pain specialist. I had similar problems to you until the neurologist finally referred me out. I was scared that they were just going to take away the only meds that I could stomach (ha!), but they actually worked with me until they got me on a long-term pill that helps tremendously. Once I got over the fact that I was taking synthetic morphine at night, I was able to allow myself to get better.

Incidentally, they did try all the epidural shots and everything. If only those had worked.... The only non-narcotic thing that helps now is my TENS unit. If your insurance will pay for that, it will do MIRACLES for your back. Truly.

Peace (and I hope you get to feeling better) - D

josie2shoes said...

My mother dealt with crippling pain every day of her life for several years so I understand how hard it is to function much less feel good about things. Have you ever been to a pain management specialist? I would so love for someone to help you find a way to balance the pain and meds so you can enjoy living again. I'll be praying for that to happen 'cuz I love you!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...


there, I caught ya.

Nicey said...

Love your posts they are like mini stories !!


Smocha said...

Get up!

I think it's kind of bad luck-ish to say "I hate my life" :)

What's yer POD? How's the home school going?

Love me