Saturday, November 8, 2008

howdy folks----
sorry i'm late gettin this up today. i meant to update it last night-- just didn't get around to it. that seems to be becoming a habit-- and a bad one-- i am sorry.

first of all
MARY-- this is your personal ScOULding-- why would i not read somethin you write here? don't even go there. i read everything people leave me... even sassy ole southern gals with flared feathahs :))

so anyhow-- here's the scoop-- so far-- hopefully this will answer any comments and questions etc-- from yesterday.

thanks to all who left advice , suggestions etc. ya know-- i had just asked soulman if he knew of a university hospital here and how it would work if i tried to seek "help" there. but like me-- he doesn't know how that works. but it has crossed my mind-- cuz i really would be a great lab rat for someone who wanted to learn about a lot of different "things" with one body. i'm a walking textbook, ya know.
just not with any answers.

but anyhow-- for now, i think i'm ok. i have shot a couple doctors off the fence post on this recent journey though-- and soul-hubby says i should also fire my GP doc. i haven't been very happy with her all along anyhow, and actually did fire her once before--but my replacement moved away so i ended up goin back to her--- i don't like change-- just in case y'all haven't noticed. :))
i'm not certain how she pissed him off-- but she sure has shown me what an inconsiderate, condescending, unconcerned, asshat--she can be.
sooooo--- she is next--- right along with my endo doc-- who is also--- uninformed, uneducated, and noncaring of the patient.

and-- just in case i never posted it-or as a reminder-- i fired my gastro dr a few weeks ago.

see why i need a dr House?


i can't even keep track anymore--- but all have been replaced once already-- now i'm on my search for a new line of defense :))
cept so far-- i think i shall keep the neuro doc i have--- til further notice. he is already a replacement. the one before him? ugh. hubby diagnosed my problem there-- the dr caused more harm than good. so he was gone after about 2 months. he nearly killed me-- for real.

ok so anyways-- lost track-- again--

back to yesterday:

i did manage to drive myself-- safely-- or at least without incident-- to and from the neuro doc--- who seemed-- i believe sincerely-- call me naive :)) -- concerned, both about the embolism and recovery-- plus my current-- and so far mystery pain.
he did-- thank the Lord-- refill my pain meds. same ones he always gives me-- i guess he was waiting to see me this last couple of days-- but i was gettin upset that i was in pain and almost out of meds. but that was no problem, once he saw me.
then he sent me for x-rays. like a series of 6 or 7 of em. that wasn't very fun. just so ya know.
and even with my GPS i had a hard time findin the damn place-- ugh. i should just give up driving. i don't deserve a license :))

well.. the tech girl was nice there-- and gentle too. most of those people don't care-- they just want to finish, so they don't care if they hurt you. she was nice, and when the pix were done i noseyd my way over there to look at one.
i know they (techs) can't answer questions or give you a diagnosis-- but i asked anyhow-- if she could see anything "wrong".
almost at the same time--- we noticed something similar to this--- and she pointed it out-- just as i said "that does not look good"
this is NOT MY xray

BUT, ya see that "scoop"?
on the upper arm there?
my xray had a "thing" similar to that.

now-- she of course isn't a radiologist-- and didn't tell me what she even thought it to be. but i have never seen anything like that before. of course, i have spent the first many hours of this morning searching google for what it might or could be--- and y'all don't even wanna know what i come up with. but the good news is--- the type and location of "my" pain.. isn't quite what or where it would be if it did happen to be this problem.
except for a "open humeral shaft fracture" which could also involve nerve damage--or pain.. maybe not permanent.

but... is that not odd??? a hole or scoop , dip-- whatever in your dang arm???

i did let her know to make a note that i do have "osteopenia"-- so, this could be simply bone deterioration??? who knows??? hopefully i will know SOON.
my follow up with neuro-- is on tuesday. for some reason i thought it was like a week away but it is tuesday about noonish. so i shall let y'all know if it is anything important. kinda looks important huh?

oh ya.. i wanted to say to AC--and SMOCHA TOO
tolerance is surely part of my prob with the meds-not only a build up tolerance-- but i just am that way-- with every kind of med-- even anti-d's---
- and with that goes the fear of OD, and not taking -- or getting what i prolly should.
and to AC-- you are correct. i have heard that before-- and also personal experience tells me--
"people in or with chronic pain, who take narcotics,--- rarely , if ever become addicted.... "
there are many reasons for that and one is-- like she said-- if it does merely relieves the pain.

so anyhow-- i spose this is as good as it gets for me right now. i am in pain.. but not not in bed. i actually watched some tv with hubby last night-- for the first time in weeks. i haven't cried, today-or yesterday from the pain. or at all actually. which is very good. in fact i actually laughed a little-- which is new-- for recent weeks.
food tasted good last night.
i bought a sling for my arm.. i didn't sleep all day-- hubby got me "tiger balm".. and says it like a " chinese sports announcer" :)) which makes me smile...

i don't know--- that's about all i can come up with for now.
looks like i'm gettin a bit better--- but may have some kind of broken arm--- or bone cancer --- BAH!!!! i hate google. :))

dr. google?

guess i'm done for now.
i'm gonna go eat my left-over chipotle , then i shall make some rounds. who i don't see now-- i will see later--

hope you all are havin happy days in your worlds today!


Golden To Silver Val said...

Wow Soul, you do sound a lot better! Hopefully things are rolling to find out what's going on and treat it. If they falter again....make some BIG waves! Remember what they say....the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Hope you are on "healing road" now. Hugs, Charlotte
p.s. what did you think about my last comment? Maybe its time to get the big boys involved.

SOUL said...

you might be right with your other comment charlotte-- but you can ask jamie bout that--- i am such a big baby chicken , when it comes to confronting docs about meds. if not for her-- i STILL wouldn't be gettin any. it's just unreal. i might look a little "tough"-- but dr's and their accusations – or suspicions – although, untrue as they are-- intimidate the crap outta me.

hubby is very pissed tho-- he has never seen me in pain like this-- and really is pissed off at the docs.

i'm glad he finally understands that part. But it’s too bad that he's felt as helpless as me this past few weeks to learn how bad I feel when I get treated like a junky—or flat out told by a dr, that they don’t want to get in trouble. (in dr language tho.)

you are also right when you say the addicts even get drugs for their addiction… how ridiculous is THAT??? I don’t even know what methadone is—but I think I heard that even it, is addictive. It just makes no sense to me.

We do have one of those rant type segments on our news channel we watch. Prolly on more than one out here. But after re-reading my post from the other day??? I don’t think so. The scenario would unfold exactly this way:
I would talk about all my years of pain, and refusal of meds, and accusations. Then of the recent weeks of constant pain, and actually getting meds—to only be “cut off” while still in pain. Then the phone would start ringing with all the anti narcotic for chronic pain people--- with their accusations. Ugh. I’ll pass.

I’m sure all of this goes back to something totally unrelated in my past—some trust—or lack there-of issue. Because I really have a problem with the whole damn thing.

Otherwise—your idea—really isn’t a bad one. I just don’t wanna face being caught up in the crossfire.

I know who and what I am, and so does my family and my friends—at least the ones who “see me”. Jamie knows—I hope. She has seen my face on meds—I just don’t get stoned.

But anyways--- today is not a terrible day, as far as the pain goes. I’m makin it about 6 hours between meds—rather than 2-3. which is wonderful. I have been upright all day—for the first time since the 20th—a miracle. And lunch was actually yummy. I can’t wait for dinner! ( I think. )--- not sure what it is yet—but hopefully it will be yummy too.)

You should bring apple pie and ice cream! I have coffee )

SOUL said...

ack-- to clear somethin up-- when i said -- if not for jamie i wouldn't be gettin meds-- i meant she talked me into building up the nerve to ask the doc for some-- cuz i was too scared to be treated badly.
Not that she was givin em to me.
gotta be careful how ya word crap on here .

like when i noticed i said i was trapped between pain and addiction.. (in the hospital) i meant cigarettes! i know yall thought somethin else-- at least most of ya.

thats what makes this whole thing tough sometimes.
blog-on :))

JLee said...

Step away from the Google! lol
You do sound a bit like your old self, and don't feel bad if you have to fire doctors. I do it all the time. ha You'll find your answers. Have a good rest of your weekend. xo

Mary said...

Firing doctors - a good thing. Having Hubby fully understand and support you - even better. Feeling so much better and being able to be your usual self - the best of all.

EE said...

You do sound better. I tend to have the same problem with condescending doctors....they suck.
It's horrible not knowing. I hope they figure it out and soon!
Griffin is loving his cards. You rock!!!
Hint: Sick and tired of...
& Holy...

Summer said...

Where is this pain that you're having? I thought it was the PE causing all the pain. Is there pain some place else? And yes, STAY AWAY from the google. This coming from someone who self diagnoses herself ALL THE TIME. Actually, I got it right last time. Hahaha.

You sound so much better. I hope you sleep well tonight.

P.S. Laughing is good for you. Keep it up!

Summer said... were making me laugh in my comment section tonight!

Summer said...

No, I've never seen an xray like that. As of the past two years, it's mostly kidneys I'm looking at. So I don't know what to say about yours, but...stop googling it! You'll scare yourself half to death!

You must have fallen and broken something after you got out of the hospital. Broken bones are extremely painful.

Sleep well kiddo.

Summer said...

And one more thing..haha.. once you get the pain under control, it's easier to manage and I think that's why you're feeling a bit better tonight.

See how good I am about diagnosing. Ha!

SOUL said...

yep summah
who needs google with you around?

Anonymous said...

Yeah googling is bad for your health! LOL... you sound back to yourself..and yeah...getting a whole new team of docs might be just the thing... Do not be intimidated or afraid when it comes to your is YOUR life and not theirs... They probably don't value it is up to you and the Soul fam to do so! But you sound good and having a peaceful's FREEZIN here!

ac said...

You do sound like you feel a little better. Thankfully that dr gave you something for your pain and saved me a long hard road trip. I was getting ready to come over there with the Captain and kick some Texas Dr. booty. Ha!

oh... and Thanks for coming around my place to visit. I'm going to update soon. I promise. I am. Don't give up on me. I will blog again. Soon.

Blur Ting said...

Oh Soul, I do wish your pain will go away. Hope that scoop thing is not serious.

Soulman's smart to buy Tiger Balm.It's like a 'cure-all' medication here. Every household has one!