Wednesday, March 19, 2008

hmmmph- day

well, hello again---

this was me this morning:

pretty chipper mood---
coffee was good---
i even had a surprisingly positive outlook on the day ahead--
i really believed that i would be getting my drivers license back
when i went to the doctor--
did i ???
well, no.
no, i did not.
and, i will not.
i have to wait for five more months
plus, two days if i must be technical.
how do i feel about that?
pretty damn bad.
how bad?


so , now what?
well, i don't really know.
but i'm not happy.
and i'm tired.
and i have plans that just got blown out the window.
and well,
i think i'm gonna go lay down for a while.

maybe the new doggie coming will help me feel better.
or maybe soulkid having company later will be a good distraction.
but for now?
i'm just toast.


Portia said...

i'm really sorry. i've been there, but it was through my own fault and this definitely sucks more. distraction is a good idea for now. i was coming to tell you that i am doing a deed for a lot 333 so of course i thought of you...:)
hang in there! it will be ok.

Rebecca said...

Man, that SUCKS!! 5 months?!?!?! Is that to be sure there is no repeat occurrence? So, a total of 6 months? blech. I am really sorry to hear that. It's going to be a hard summer with that going on, and Soul Kid too young to drive! Poo.

Andrew said...

Soul.... THAT STINKS!!!! I will be thinking of you and I am not being glib by saying that. I keep wondering if they would take away my license if they knew I had schizophrenia. We would be in the same boat. Hang in there and hope for the best!


Diane Vogel Ferri said...

i don't know your circumstances yet but hope it gets better. Dogs and kids are the reason we go on sometimes1 Diane

Jessica said...

Five freaking months? You've got to be kidding me. Did you kick the doc in the junk? I mighta been tempted...

I guess you'll have to get one of those trikes for grownups, so you can carry your tackle box.
Sorry! :)

SOUL said...

i have to get back to these
i keep trying to answer these and they keep getting ATE!! and i'm gettin pissed.

thanks for comin by.. i'll get back later.. but for now somethin is UP with my keyboard--

The Real Mother Hen said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Soul!

On the positive side, you now can save on gas, which is going to hit $4 this summer, and you get to ride on a pink bike with a big pink basket! Ohhhh imagine that :)

Smocha said...

Well, WTH??? I thought you got yer license back if the teats came back good.

That really sucks :((

I agree ...get a big trycicle.

Is the new baby there yet?? Tell us all about her.The suspense is killing me. :)

Love me

Cheryl said...

I'm so sorry you'll be stuck. Can't imagine. You'll have to pretend you're a rich lady being driven around. And you won't be able to take soulkid to the mall! This just stinks!

Mary said...

What a poopie situation!!! I know you were just bummed out.

I like Cheryl's suggestion. Sit in the back seat on the right side and have your "driver" pull up to the curb, jump out, run around the car, and open the door for you. It wouldn't hurt if driver stood at attention and said "Yes, My Lady." when you told him when to return for you. I know, I know...but one can dream, can't one?

I'm being silly to try and make you smile. I'm so sorry this is happening. It's the pits.

Anonymous said...

i would get that bike that Mother suggested...with a BIG shopping cart on it..... ha...that is what they have here in JP.... just fyi by the way....
sucks....but i guess IF something were to happen after they gave you back your license...then they would be responsible...i guess?

SOUL said...

hi everybody----

perhaps i will take y'all up on your advice, get me a giant trike with a basket, hang me some rods and tackle boxes on there, get me a license plate with the infamous 333 on the back... and head on down to the pond.


anyhow, yep-- it's the law-- six months.. no driving-- if i don't have another seizure in that time, then i get my license back-- if i do have a seizure .. well then, i guess they'll call it epilepsy and keep my DL.

oh well.. for now-- it's alright.
thanks guys--

happy humpday-

Moohaa said...

Aw, Soul, that really sucks! I'm so sorry.

EE said...

NO WAY!!!!!
I feel 4 you, girl!
If I was there, I'd cart you around.