Friday, January 4, 2008

yep - it's still friday....(and more)

just thought i'd pop in again, to let y'all know that i am a tired , lazy person. just in case you haven't heard.
i did cross a few things off my list, and i did go and mail my oh so late rent---- and.... i found the deal of a lifetime when i went to staples. get this--- i went to staples to buy a calender... and i left with a calender AND FOUR area rugs! they were on clearance. for fifty bucks each. nice ones. i said holy crap, and snagged em. well not really, i asked some kid that worked there to snag em for me. so he did. but man.. now maybe i won't have to listen to friggin midnight tap dance all night in my bedroom. geesh that drives me insane. her fingernails on the wood floor. i don't know why hers is so much more annoying than sushis but it is really bad.
so anyhow...
just thought i'd share that with ya.
and i think i shall go take a nap. because i am full, and lazy, and tired, and well, because i am cold and i want to go to bed.
see y'all later... well maybe... it is friday and seems to be pretty slow in blogland today.
but i will cruise around later anyhow.


that was a reallllyyyyy BAD idea.
first , my tv decided to grow a mind of its own... and turn itself off... then on again. several times. and i have a very real fear of tv's catching on fire--- because i had an uncle actually die in a fire caused by a tv ... back in the 80s. he was asleep and his tv burned the whole house up--and him... maybe my aunt too-- i don't remember-- oldy might. (do you)???

so anyhow... i was just chillin and the cable people came to bury the cable line---- and take a guess what happened..... somehow they screwed up my friggin sattelite !!! i went out and told em... guess what they did... they left! yep--- it's a weekend.... we are gonna have NO tv.... all weekend. lovely. and i cannot find a local phone number for the cable company-- they were contractors anyhow. ugh.

so. guess i'll wash my dishes now.

see ya later peeps


Golden To Silver Val said...

OMG....bummer!!! Weekend and NO TV...this is truly THE PITS. I really do think you can pitch a bitch about this and get them to fix it pronto. Soul-man is going to have a FIT. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Just another brick in the wall, right? Try and stay mellow....

SOUL said...

no tv doesn't bug me all that much...except i guess i like to watch it at bedtime.. but yep soulman will be pissed... especially if he misses a football game :((
soulkid can watch dvd's or somethin. it is irritating though. i can't beleive they just left like that.

hmmm... guess hubby is a bit pissed off... i texted him earlier about it.. he just texted me back and said to report them to the 800 number anyhow, even though it may take all weekend for somethin to happen. hmmm.

men and their clickers.


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

screw the dishes! Grab some paper plates! :)
It's friday...sigh.....

Jessica said...

it sounded like the perfect friday---the clearance deal, the full tummy, the nap--then the no TV part? Ick! It's like going back in time! Whatever will you do for fun? :)

SOUL said...

too late crusty, the dishes are finished... but that's a good thing--they were looong overdue.
have a good weekend.

SOUL said...

hey there-- the nap was only a mere dream... and soulman is now on the phone chewin out the cable people... not sure if he'll get anywhere tho-- they told me hours ago they would have a supervisor call me back-- but nobody he's on hold apparently--- so umm, yep-- i'll let y'all know how this goes.

Mary said...

You've gotten to the part of moving that I absolutely HATE!!! Even though I'll probably never move again I remember how it was when I had to move from city to city following my first husbands career. I could deal with packing all the junk; reassuring the kids; moving it to the new place; cleaning the new place; getting my stuff settled; and sorting out all the extra crap for throw-away. Then it came to getting all electric, gas, water, cable, phone, and at least 10 other services in place and working - At this point I usually just lost all reason and growled like a rabid dog. My patience does have it's limit. OK, now that's out of my system. I hope the cable/tv gets proper attention from your vendors and that Soulman doesn't miss football.

Anonymous said...

ha no tv...soulman will be pissed..and yeah..they left for the weekend without finishing the job...sounds like crappy service...i'd report them.... have a good fri nite???

Jamie said...

OMG no TV all weekend? Soulman will have a cow with no football today or tomorrow! And its wildcard weekend...

Hopefully, you guys got it back on...

Its 4:30 in the blessed am, I have been up for a couple of hours already, I feel like hell. If im not here when you get up, it because I went back to bed for awhile...


EE said...

I didn't know they had rugs at staples. I'm going to have to go check this out!

SOUL said...

E-- i was surprised as you-- i saw them just rolled up in a cart by the little clearance corner--- i was like hmmm... but there were no prices--- so i asked--- cuz this house reeeeeaaallllleeeeeee needed some-- several. and i thought ,, CRAP-- how the heck am i gonna get four-five- maybe six rugs??? you know i grabbed em at that price-- i got all four for what i woulda paid for one at this quality. SCORE!!!
hope you find some!!!