Saturday, September 11, 2010

so. here we stand. perhaps, here I stand.

sho is - i'm done.
that is prolly more likely.  that I stand here.  alone.  as usual.  rather than 'here we stand'. yeh, i know - some come by, though not as many as used to.  hey. no big deal. it happens to all of us now and then. right? .  but hey- don't get me wrong-- i played my part in this too. i know it sometimes sounds like i blame the world for my having 'lost' a few friends- readers- here.  nah.  i don't.  not in every case.  but yep.  there's a couple that are so so SO - in the forefront of my mind, that it just pains  me to not write the 'full story (S) of them right here.   i really sense that they know who they are and what they have done.  and even if it sounds mental to you -- i even think they -- know how i feel about the thing  they do that makes me feel like i do - and do it anyhow.  and still have the nerve to 'face me'. one of them, i have told - face to face- AND online, more than once.. how i feel about this... yet to this day she blatently continues to do it.  so- nope - that is a  conscious thought ... no paranoia there. perhaps, it's even a a dagger - for some unkown reason. so i do wonder-- if any of you are alert enough-- that you have even noticed it.  cuz most of you read the same pages i do.  anyhow-- all i will say about it -- is you saw it here first. word for word these folks have plagiarized me- be it one liners, simple words, or full ideas for an entire post for their blogs.  mainly two-- but i've seen it elsewhere as well.

do i want to give them credit for causing me to leave blogland?  oh hell no.  i won't give them credit for anything other than being brainless, unoriginal , thoughtless, scum.  who can't think for themselves.  the gall of one of them? this person has a copyright at the top of her page-- all original?  my ass.  she now has 'stolen a style' of another of my -- real' friends-- and boy she is lovin the attention that's gettin her.  it only makes me want to vomit.  i hope she is happy ridin the skirt tails of others' talent.  good luck to both of you-- and i do know you know who i'm talkin about. - at least the ones who do it should.

anyhow-- no.  no one takes any credit for the end of soul survivor -- aside from the fact that, i am tired. 
 i am in a battle with my world, my body and my mind.  seems i have gone full circle from when i began this blog almost 4 years ago. 
agoraphobic.  sick. alone. and not trusting anyone.
and ya know what?  y'all brought me here.    except a select few.  i hope to God you know who you are!  you should-- because we have had recent contact- and you KNOW i love and trust you.  other than that?
i am soooo done with this thing.  all of it.
my heart is back where it belongs.  my mind is back where it belongs.  and neither are here -- vulnerable-- laid out-- to be taken for your own selfish purposes.

oh and just so ya know-- the next time i see one of you using MY words.. you plagiaristic - unimaginative, so called friends - sigh-- of mine??  i promise to expose you and show folks that you have no creativity of your own.  that you not only steal from me-- but others as well.
i suggest you get to thinkin on your own.  if that's possible.
and .. mrs. copyright- originality? take that crap down.  lest it bite YOU in the ass.

i love you all.  yeh.  i do.  even the ones who wronged me. 
the ones who didn't - don't lose contact -- i know you know who ya are.

oh hell -- look- it's friggin 9-11.  what a day to blow up soulland.  or would that be 'implode "
everyone be safe -- today and always



Mary said...

You were the one person who encouraged me when I first began to blog. I'll miss you but, like I said, there's always the phone and email. For now take care. Love ya, LBF

Smocha said...

Yikes. Whatever it was, I didn't do it.

I can't get the video to play. Hope you feel all nice and calm now :)

Smocha sneaks out of the room now ........

Love me

Kristy said...

That is awful someone would take credit for your work. Some people are just crap. I enjoy reading your blog. I hope you dont let these people or person upset you that much to get in the way of a good blog. Remember moods pass and may this be short lived. I know for me with seasons changing my mood gets worse. May this be temporary and things will look up.

Donna said...

Just say the word to Marty and he'll go kick some a## for ya! If they are copying you, why not go ahead and expose them? Shame might be your only weapon.

Sorry that I have been out of blogland lately. I'm still trying to dig my way out of the hole from being on vacation.

Golden To Silver Val said...

I think you should do what Donna says....expose them. Sorry you're going through this. Come back soon. C

Cheryl said...

I've never heard you like this, and I'm so sorry that you're so upset.

WaterLearner said...

Hallos Soul!!!

It's me! How are you doing??!! Hope everything is fine on your end!

See you around!

Moohaa said...

I'm sorry for never coming around. But I love seeing you elsewhere so I hope you aren't upset with me. Don't leave.. don't let other people steal the joy of writing from you by their asinine, selfish ways. You've been one of my biggest supporters in blog land since I started three years ago. I can't imagine you not being here.

So a break? Yes.
Leave for good. Nope, sorry, can't let you do it.

Why? You're my friend. So deal with it.
