here is another post i have been putting off for a few days...
i was tagged by blur ting a few days ago-
to meme.. about motherhood tid bits.. kinda sorta.
so here it is-- finally.
The rule is once you have been hit, you have to hit 5 pretty Moms, including the one who thought of you today & sent it to you. The idea is that if you get hit again, You will know you are really pretty!
If you're hit, add your name at the bottom of the tagged persons list, and without bumping the person at the top or bumping anyone off and let the list grow. Hit 5 pretty moms on your list to let them know they are pretty!
Before I was a mom, i didn‘t know that i could love so much.
Before I was a mom, i didn’t know that such a tiny person could make me hurt so much when they hurt.
Before I was a mom, i didn’t know that i could feel all powerful, yet all powerless at the same time.
Before I was a mom, i never cried out of happiness.
chain of tags:
1. Lovelymummy2. Pek Imm3. Momisodes4. Ling that’s me5. Janicepa6. AnnieQ7. Allthingspurple8. Montessorimum9. clumsy mommy10. Sandra11. KittyCat12. VivianZ13. Sweetpea14. Sasha15. Giddy Tiger16. Wen17. Jo-N18. Janice Ng 19. Blur Ting, 20. JYankee, 21. Seagrape, 22. Wacky Mom, 23. Janice, and --Soul Survivor.. (blur did it, but tagged me.. but i will ad her too, but she doesn't have to do it again.. although y'all should read's really good.)
(these didn't, for some reason, come up as links..but you can go to blurs page and get the links if you want to read the others.)
I would like to tag the following beautiful moms :
alright y'all , don't be fuddy duddys-- i did it, you have to too. k?