a thunderstorm ! with wind, and black skies, and thunder, and lightning. oh... not to mention the damn RAIN. it's a darn good thing i didn't shampoo my carpets yesterday. i did vacuum them, and put some of that animal fresh smell powder stuff down...made a huge difference in the look and smell of the whole house...in fact that was the FIRST thing hubby noticed when he walked in yesterday, was the floor, and the nice smell. BUT... today.... guess what... DOG MUD for sure. why can't dogs just use the toilet??? wouldn't that be grand? my carpets... or should i say... my land lords carpets would look so much better. i'm gonna end up losing my deposit on this house if this rain continues like this. between the dogs, pet vomit...the min pin's "accidents" on the floor... and my childs carelessness with food and drinks.... UGH. don't get me started. actually, i'm finished. the carpet is trashed. bad thing.. it needed replaced when we moved IN. but now, it's just ruined. can i scream now?
ok. i'll move on. i wish the cleaning dude was here to bring me more coffee...but looks like i will have to do that myself... i shall be right back....
alright...i have returned.... ya know, it is funny to me that just that picture of that floor scrubber.. the cleaning fairy... i know... cleaning dude sounds more masculine... but cleaning fairy, just seems more fitting. we all know what i mean right? anyhow... it's funny to me that a picture... or shorter posts.... not only on my blog...but just about everyone elses too... evoke more responses than the longer ones. has anyone noticed that? i could write on here for an hour and not get ONE comment... but i put up a pic or say three sentances... and get ten comments on it. very strange. but... sometimes, i just cannot shut up. so, as much as i like to hear from y'all... i guess i will continue to post whatever comes to mind at the time. and you can comment.. or not. but you know... i prefer that you DO.
alright, anyhow. where was i. oh ya. i was preparing for my rant of the day. you didn't know that did you? well, yep... surely you knew it would come sooner or later!
i really have to stop procrastinating. due to the fact that i didn't go grocery shopping yesterday... that means that i really have to do it today... and it is raining... storming, actually. how sucky can it get. plus i have to replace my windshield wipers. which... i had planned on waiting til i got my car inspected for the registration... but, apparently, texas is pissed off or something, because it seems to be raining every single freakin day lately. sooo i have to get wipers on, and would rather have hubby do it on a day off, than have him do it all grouchy after work one day. soooo.
AND... remember how i said i wanted to go fishing today? well.... ya can't fish in the lightening! that's as stupid as golfing in the lightning. NO i do not golf! i mini golf.. but i see NO snese in golfing...walking for miles, trying to put a tiny ball in a tiny hole a football field away...shit , i can't see ten feet in front of me...how am i supposed to freakin GOLF????
ok... so anyhow... nope. no fishin.
and to be perfectly honest.... i more than likely... will NOT grocery shop either. or get my wipers. or even leave the house at all today...for anything!!! i just do not want to deal with the idiot texas drivers in the rain. i swear.... if it sprinkles a little , these people drive like they are in a hurricane!!!! i will never understand it !!!! don't get me wrong... i love texas. that's why we moved back here after only a year in hell... i mean new mexico. LOL. really i do like it here... we all do. i like the weather.. for the most part.. i love the fishing... when i'm able to fish... the people are fairly nice... except at wallly hell...good lord...they become assholes as soon as they walk through the door there...runnning over your heels with their cart, and not sayin a word! that makes me so mad. ok... ya. so.
i have no idea what... if anything... i will do, or not do today. as usual, i do KNOW what i should, and need to do. the question of the day... WILL I DO ANY OF IT????
so... let's choose a "word of the day" shall we?
"can't have nuthin"
yes, i know, it's a phrase... but suitable for the mood i'm in.
so... y'all have good days...and hopefully y'alls plans will pan out today! cuz at this point, it doesn't look like mine will. unless the weather changes...and here in texas, sometimes that can happen in a few minutes. it's kinda like florida here. or new mexico. it can be raining on one side of the street and dry on the other. so...i shall check in latah