Sunday, May 30, 2010

wow - i woke from a bad dream, and stepped into a Nightmare

eegads people WTH?

oh, sorry . hi folks !!! long time no see. i sure have missed ya. i knew i would. i always do when i take time off from here. this may well be the longest i've stayed away though. so yeh, i've had y'all on my mind a lot. and i hope everything is right in your worlds. i know. from the little bit i have seen on facebook, and the few blogs i've been around, it doesn't look so good in some places. just know my thoughts are with ya- and my prayers are too. ok? alone, that may not mean much -- but along with all the others who are on your side? prayer works -- i think if nothing else- we've learned that much in life. right?

so anyhow. if you're wonderin how that ties into my title- it doesn't. but i'll tell ya what does. i was sleepin like a corpse this mornin. hell, it was even like 930 !! i was havin a really bad dream too. had somethin to do with soulkid gettin back into the drug stuff. - which prolly had somethin to do with meeting new friends since goin back to school, ya know? - she had a new friend spend the night last night-- and trusting new kids is just tough. ya know?) anyhow, i'm havin this dream, and it's windin down to right where i'm puttin it all together, and about to confront her-- ok- kick her ass... when suddenly, i hear soulman, very angry, cussing and yelling at her in the living room. but it isn't in my dream.. now i'm awake- kinda. well- shit- i wanted to see what happened in my dream! but now- i have to get up and see WTH is happenin in my house. ugh. i go out there still half asleep. the two of them are arguing over the upstairs a/c thermostat ! of all the things in the world to be fighting over-- and to this extent-- it's THAT? and with a new friend possibly sleeping upstairs? OMG. ridiculous. i stumble in the office- put all my crap down (phone, cigs, pill box, lighter), go in the kitchen make a cuppa coffee, listen to wth they're doin-- trying to figure it out in my half stupor. they're both throwin the friggin F'Bomb at each other !!! over a thermostat? my head began to throb. my back and everything else was already in knots. i hadn't said a word since i walked out of my bedroom. i stumble back into my office and sit on my couch, light a cig, take a pain pill-- yeh i know-- breakfast of champions - and we all know- i am one - ya gotta be to live here :)) finally, i can attempt to piece all this bs together and try to make sense of it. ooooh. ok. i get it. apparently, soulkid had changed the upstairs t-stat to 68 degrees . mind you-- this is not the first time-- nor is it the first time she has been told-- or in trouble for doin it-- we've been thru this fifteen times with her. so it was kind of a camel and straw thing. (also tryin to save for summer trips and cut costs etc) - so soulman just got - well angry. you wouldn't like him when he's angry. - really. not many people do. :)) so - there she is crying and yelling-- and him - well, just yelling. as soon as i get the the gyst of it all-- it begins to make sense--- a solution. we can argue and she can suffer in the hotness up there--- or we can find a SOULution (you like that huh? i just made that up-- actually it was a typo - but i made it a word :)) so anyhow-- i was trying to not get upset- or have a panic attack etc- for all the arguing etc-- so yeh, i'm trying to think how to quell the situation -- better yet-- shut them up ! i finally pipe up and say -- listen. why don't you just finally shut down the guest room-- like i been sayin-- and shut that vent -- and that will push the air elsewhere?" hmmm.. the livin room goes silent. ahhhh
that gets soulmans wheels turnin-- he then says -- we could also shut your bathroom vent partway-- you don't want it cold in there. guess what?
problem solved . thanks MOM!!!!

what a way to start the day.
so. just thought i'd share that with you.
i really just wanted to pop in and say hello to all you people. and let ya know i'm still kickin. and doin somewhat better than the last time ya heard from me.

as for the pain i was bitchin about -- i will be gettin shots in my neck sometime after i get back from my sises in arkansas. so yeh-- i did mention that part right? i'm headin there on the fourth -- first to the cemetary to visit my boys/family's graves. this is the first time in a very long time that i won't be goin alone and unannounced. she and her bff will meet me and we will go together. then the next day we will go to the crystal mine. then to her house. vicki wants me to teach them how to fish-- that will be so funny, i shall take pix. i hope with all my heart they both catch a big bass ! i don't even care if i catch one.
so yeh- we're just chillin for a couple days , then i gotta get my butt home to the fam.

when i get back i will schedule the cervical steroid shots in my neck. within a week or so those will be done-- so please pray for relief on the dang neck pain.

dr also mentioned the second 'rhizotomy'. remember that? OMG it was torture. for months. but i think after the months of burning , torturous, pain... it actually did do some good-- for many months actually. and thats why my neck is doin so bad now. cuz it wore off. so she has me pretty convinced to gived it a go- and do the other side. BUT NOT til after summer. i have too much planned this summer to put myself down for three or four months. and besides that-- soulkid gets her drivers license in july-- so if i do end up with the same reaction as last time--- she will be able to drive herself to school. so it's a we shall see type of thing.

anyhow-- that's it for now-- and even that was prolly too much for ya.
i miss ya - i think of you all the time-- and i hope you all have happy days - and summers ahead !
i'll be sein ya


ethelmaepotter! said...


Okay, I'm going out the door right this minute, but I'll be back tonight to read!

Donna said...

Goodlord, what a way to get woke up!
It That doesn't work, go get one of those 79 dollar window units...Target , Lowes, Home Depot...They work Great!
Stay cool Girl!

Donna said...

Hiya, kiddo! I KNEW you couldn't stay away for long. LOL, missed you too.

Glad to hear about the "soulution", LOL. And soulkid needs to understand that 68 degrees requires mittens inside, along with thermal underwear. She's way too young to be having hot flashes.

We're IN our new cottage. Looks like a box explosion in here, LOL. May take most of the summer to get unpacked and settled. We're not breaking any speed records!

Hope you have a nice trip. We're going out on a little excursion soon. Got to get away from the boxes!

SOUL said...

Auntie EM? Auntie EM?
thought you were comin back?
hope your day is good

SOUL said...

no kiddin donna -1 :))
it was rough - to say the least. oh well, it turned out to be a pretty good day all in all.
tomorrow is brisket day !
enjoy the long weekend!

SOUL said...

donna-2 :))

i KNOW! i am so excited for you to be all moved in!!! it is a double edged sword though i know. we've been here a few months shy of a YEAR- and we STILL aren't all the unpacked - or decorated yet. it's a friggin death sentence ! :))
it would be done ya know, if i wasn't in the shape i'm in tho. i have moved in, unpacked, AND decorated a two bedroom house before--- back in the day. surely i was manic at the time-- but i was also in better physical condition.
if only.... (sigh)

anyhow-- it does take time-- just don't push yourself too hard or you'll end up like me :((
take your time, and enjoy it all!

have a move-in sale as ya pare things down -- we always end up with way more than we shoulda moved... unfortunately-- i still need to have my yard sale. ugh. i'd make a fortune, if i had the back muscles to do it. tis the season !

(too young for hot flashes) that made me laugh!

where are you goin???? is this the bear trip????? you know me-- i forgot when that is.
or is this just a break??
take pix ! i always love your pix!

did hubby get his grill yet? cookin on it tomorrow? have some tea for me :))

laterz 'scab' bah!

Debbie said...

I LOVE SOULution! Perfect :)

Hate you had to wake up that way!

Thanks for all the support ROCK! xoxoxoxox

Jamie said...

I am so happy to see a post from you...and it sounds like life is the same, as it should be. Even if we don't always think so.

I want you to have a most awesome time with your sis and vicki...relax and laugh. ALOT.

Hugs, friend. xo

Golden To Silver Val said...

I've always wondered why a lot of people say "Happy Memorial Day"....when its really a somber holiday. Remembering all who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We usually try and make it to the cemetery to pay our respects to family departed but the older I get, the harder it is for me to do that. It upsets me too much. I need to get a grip, I guess. Anyway, glad to see you're back and hope you're feeling better. C

ethelmaepotter! said...

I'm here!

Sorry, I was totally wiped out last night - didn't sleep for almost 36 hours, except a few minutes in a theater - so I fell asleep with the laptop on my knees last night!

Soulution is great! Both the word and your own brilliant common sense.

I know what you mean about people not liking your soulman when he gets angry. Fred is like that, too. The new puppies I bought for HIM absolutely HATE him, and I've told him he needs to control his "angry voice" around them. "I DO NOT HAVE AN ANGRY VOICE!" he exploded.


Pleasant dreams!

SOUL said...

OBTW donna 2-- forgot - about the 2 bedroom house -- i did all that in less than TWO days ! i was a crazy woman! but it had to be done. i was in the navy and time was limited. so i got er dun. i couldn't do it now for a million dollars! :(

SOUL said...

hey deb - anything-- anytime--
and hey- if anyone rocks ? it's YOU. i don't think i could handle what you're going through right now. i really don't. i'd crack under the pressure. i can't take one more BIG thing. my prayers and thoughts are with ya . hopefully david is there by now.
biggest hugs to you today -

SOUL said...

hiya jamie-
i will say hi to the wee one. i think the rest of the trip will be a good time.
hope things are good out your way-
say hi to that lil boy for me.

SOUL said...

heya val-
ya know i been sayin the same thing around here. i see that alot these past few days "happy memorial day". makes me wonder. but oh well. i'm sure they don't mean it like that. it's just that it's a day off and most people are doin fun stuff. ya know. my theory. but yeh. i don't usually say that. and yeh. a lot of the times i do get out to the cemetary does happen to be around this time. it usually isn't planned to be - oh i think i'll go this memorial day'.. it just somehow turns out that way. kinda strange. but it works. and nah-- i don't think ya need to 'get a grip'. you're ok. it's not about the 'time' ya go. it's just that ya find the time to go. at least for me. sometimes i skip three years - sometimes i skip only 8 months or a year. depends on how i feel. don't let a 'day' make you feel guilty. go with your heart. you'll go when you're ready.
hugs to you-

SOUL said...

oh EM, i know all about 'sleep bloggin' . i'm famous for it.
why were you awake so long? are you ok? i hope you can catch up and get some deep sleep. it's so hard on a person when that happens. i have "sleep issues" too. and it makes everything a mess.
hope you get back on track soon.

what movie were you watchin that you took a nap in? just so i know not to go see it :))

i got a kick out of 'soulution too. what a typo eh? i love it when my accidents are happy ones. :))

ugh-- nuthin like an angry man -- swearing that he 'isn't yelling'. we get it all the time here. 'stop yellin at me'... "I'M NOT YELLING!"
hmmm, really?

gotta love em. right?
ahhhhhh-- at least it isn't an often occurance here.

what kinda puppies did you get fred? it takes a lot for a pup to not like -- umm to hate - a person. tell him i said to be nice to those babies! :))

enjoy your day!
and thanks for comin by-