Wednesday, January 20, 2010

what to do- what to do?

hiya peeps-

what's goinin on?

well, i have a list of to do's as long as my arm... BUT-- you saw that comin didn't ya?
yeh, i thought ya might. well, i do. my list has been growing and growing lately. as you might have figured out by now. i'm surprised i'm not molding-- like the sloth that i am.
good lawd i have been so severely lazy. there's just no other word for it, unfortunately, and honestly-- i've run out of excuses.

i have to come clean here-- yes. i have periods of relief from the pain. it may not be long periods-- but i could damn sure find the strength to clean the kitchen-- which i have not done in a week-- actually longer-- hubby does it-- but he has been busy-- so the dishes haven't been washed in maybe 5 days. wait a minute-- y'all know , we've gone out to eat several times-- it's not as bad as you would think-- but yes-- it's bad-- it NEEDS to be done. and I should do it -- TODAY.
will i? i don't even know the answer to that. but i know that i should. and i know that if i don't i oughtta just be horsewhipped!

i do the basic picking up of things- i mean we aren't living in hell or anything.. BUT-- i haven't been upstairs-- yes-- that is because of my legs-- but God knows what it looks like up there. all i know is when sushi comes in from outside-- or comes out of her crate-- or whatever-- she RUNS up those stairs like there's a fire down here-- i do not know what's up there that she is in such a hurry to get to. and honestly? i don't want to know. my guess? FOOD. scary-- nasty- rotten food. eeewwweeee.

back me up on this people-- when we bought this house-- both of them promised me-- i would have no need to go up there-- they knew it was a problem for me to use the stairs-- and they would keep it clean and nice . remember that?
it aint happening. and it's pissin me off.

oh-- wanna know what else? this really chapped my hide. again, this is a cuz we're us thing--- again. oh man. y'all know how i am with my money phobia right-- or lack of-- fear of lack of -- whichever. well, i have recently-- finally, been able to stash a little cash in savings. finally i can breathe. right? wrong. yesterday, stez tells me -- he soooo didn't want to. but , i have been wondering and wondering, why the check he used for the down payment on the 'new' truck hadn't cleared yet-- well, i think we found out why. he tells me the truck place called him, and there was a problem. that is not my favorite word. 'chillax' is my favorite word. that word (problem) did not make me chillax)-- it made me panic. come to find out-- when he was doing the financing on the new truck-- the old truck place-- gave him the wrong pay-off amount. meaning---- we NOW have to come up with almost 600.00. yes. now.
know what that means? after i stole the 300.00 for my medical procedure-- and now the 600-- for the truck.... we have nuthing left in my stash.
woo-fuckin-hoo !!!!
save a nickel - spend a dime.
what do i have to do to save a little money around here? it just never happens. i try , and i try, and i try. and somethin always comes up that i need to steal it back.
ugh. i could barf.
now it's gonna take me two hours to figure out if i had that money in the budget for stez's florida trip. cuz of course i don't remember. if i did-- i think he's a bit screwed.
and if i didn't-- well, i'm still pissed at having to use it. it felt good to finally save some money.

i need an accountant. i'm bad with money even when i think i'm not. wth? give a gal a break.. money gods.


so-- know what else? guess what the temp is today ? the high for today is gonna be over 70 !!! y'all KNOW what i wanna do. dontchya? yep, you guessed it. i sooooo wanna go fishin. i have been thinkin about it aaaallll morning long. it's a little drizzly out-- but it isn't cold at all. in fact - i should have all my windows open airing this smoke filled dungeon as we speak. i don't tho. noooo sittin in the dark. like the vampire that i am. bleh.

what's wrong with me?

haelp meeeeeeee.

i just can't get myself to moooooove. i know what i need to do. (get a drivers license-- get my damn car registered before i get a ticket--clean my kitchen, do my taxes). i know what i should do. (pick up rx's, wash my car, go to the store, work on my neglected bank) i know what i want to do--- (fish, get my hair cut, and colored)--

i also sort of know what i will do--- sit on my ass, right where i am- chainsmoke, and accomplish not one thing that i mentioned. feel like shit for it. which will feed my depression, and pain. which will feed the cycle-- that continues, day by freakin day.

cattle prod? did someone say they have one? can i borrow it please?
ok-- stun gun? got one?

alright people--- i've bored you long enough--
i hope you have wonderful , and productive days in your worlds :))
i will-- i'll DO somethin-- don't know what it is-- i'll let ya know-

laterz- :))

i want him :))


Cheryl said...

You always have so much to say! It's a great adventure to follow you, and I mean that in a good way! I think, don't be so hard on yourself. Do what you can, and don't stress on what you can't. I don't know. I hope next week's procedure helps a lot with your pain. Like you said, pain makes it really hard to do what you want to do.

Gypsy said...

I had so many plans today but none of mine eventuated either. I was busy, just not doing what I wanted to do.

Saving money? Did you mention saving money? I haven't saved a cent since school so I am not too familiar with that concept.

I hope your day worked out better than you thought it would.

BREZZ said...

hey C--
happy you found your way over-
i know-- i do ramble on like some cookoos nest patient sometimes-- but hey-- thank God for blogs--- if i was walkin around just 'talkin' about all this stuff- out into the air?- we all know where i'd be. right?

not that i don't talk to myself -- on occasion-- i even answer myself too-- but-- no-- not in public. luckily. well-- not 'often' in public.

oh lord. i'm crackin up. and i don't mean laughin.

i am bein hard ion myself. i know that. i also think that is a big part of why i can't get UP. it's hard to motivate when you bear your own self to death everyday. on top of not feeling at the top of your game.
it aint rocket science.
i have my own self figured out pretty well. the problems at least. i need someone with the solutions to kick me in the ass at times i think.
now would be good.

anyhow-- i hope you are happy in your world-- from what i've seen lately- it seems like it-- so keep it up kiddo-

BREZZ said...

GYPSY-- i just missed ya!
yeh i know what ya mean.
kindred spirits , that's what we are.
think we might be related somehow?

ha! yesterday-- i'll get to that in a minute--
but i think you have an idea how that worked out. yeh- it didn't.
does it ever?

have a happy day
may aussie pal

BREZZ said...

i mean comment to CHERYL-- i'm ripping my eyes out right now- :O

BREZZ said...

i hope y'all are good at typo lingo? i ripped that comment to gypsy apart-
it's morning- i am blind and my fingers are fat as snausages-

BREZZ said...

oh shit ! yes it was to cheryl-- just kill me- i'm merely slow cooking in a crock pot this way-- get a damn convection oven and get it over with-

i kid-
but this is killin me -
along with other things.

but i'm fine. just
F'd up
Neurotic &


Donna said...

HAHAHAHAahahaaaaa....I'm coming up there....I'm 'gonna be hunting you down....LOLOL....You better turn on the NEWS Girlie!!! It was a HUGE thing! His vote is the 41st! Stops present HCare bill for now!!
......I KNOW you're just yanking my chain....I KNOW you are!!!HAhahahaaaa.....

BREZZ said...

donna, donna, donna--
how many times do i have to tell you? i am a politics re`tard. (that is pronounced in "the hangover" way)

i gotchya now tho-- hubby came home last night tellin me about him-- but didn't mention his name--- i gotchya now. yes-- i haven't heard the update-- so-- i'm still a re`tard :((
but i am soooo against that frickin universal 'health 'S'care ' crap i could scream.
i spend a third of my life with doctors.... i may as well just die if that passes. that will be worse than any military or va-- or even medicaid care anyone has ever seen.
everything in the US is ok just the way it is right now--- we pay taxes to help folks who don't have insurance-- and i don't mind doin that. i'd even pay more taxes to continue that--- but leave ME the hell alone!!!!
that's what i say.
mental health-- and these shots i get in my back? things like that? will be the first to go. you know that right?
i really would be better off dead.
my doctors take good care of me for now-- if this passes?
i know what will happen to my health-- and in turn? me.

anyhow-- keep my dumb self up to date on this ok?
cuz really, i need to know what's goin on in this department.

happy day to you
your re'tard :))

i hope you saw that movie-- cuz that's some funny stuff
if not?
i just sound ridiculous.

BREZZ said...

oh donna? short version?
i really am that stoopid :))
just love me

Debbie said...

Can't seem to get off my hiney either. I personally think you'd feel better if you went fishin. THEN tomorrow you can clean....a little!

BREZZ said...

hiyya debbie--
i bet you're right-- but i would feel guilty if i fished -- before cleanin the damn kitchen.
nobody got home last night til after 7 and there was no dinner-- or dishes!!!
fast food anyone?
i suck.
i swore to them and myself-- that at minimum-- we would have dinner-- and something to eat it on when they got home tonight.
if at minimum THAT doesn't happen?
i'm findin those concrete boots i mentioned a while back :O
THEN i'll go fishin
bwa hahahahahaha

happy day to you

perhaps you should come out here-- and go fishin with me?
company always motivates me to clean-- no matter how bad i hurt.
why is that?

catchya later

Brenda said...

I've been doing more and more of the ass sittin' myself lately and I see more of it in my future.

here's the link to only that What I want in a Man post,

BREZZ said...

hey brenda--
maybe we can blame the weather? ya think? it does tend to hurt more when the weather is crap-- don't you agree?

perhaps we can get dr's notes, and feel better about ourselves?
yeh, that's the ticket :)

thanks for the link