Thursday, October 15, 2009

since i have nuthin good to say --- THIS is dedicated to the only one i know who's countin down Already (TX) Donna

this is my most favorite version of this song -- turn down the lights-- it's AWESOME!!

and here's one i've never heard before-- same song -- instrumental version---
i would have to say-- unsurpassed to date !
(keep the lights down on this one too)


Donna said...

HAhahahaaa...!!! Thank you SoulSista' I think it dates me but I remember Jimi playing this...Cool!
Thank you for this post!! I'm getting SO, in the mood!!hughugs

SOUL said...

you're welcome-- i thought you might like those :))

have a great day
HUGZ back!

Angie Weid said...

Hey, only 76 days until Christmas is over! Hopefully, I will be somewhere warm, too.

Angie Weid said...

oops, 70 days ... that's even better!