Monday, July 21, 2008

well hell -

howdy folks-

i have the news on tv. well, it's been on for a while actually, the news. anyhow, it's hot here in Texas-- very hot- it got to 102 degrees today. i was just sitin here thinkin about when our air conditioner broke. it was -- i'm just guessin, i don't even remember, but it was just startin to get hot, so maybe high 70's. oh hell, i don't know. thinkin back on it- i just remember bein friggin hot. but anyhow. earlier they mentioned that a baby had been taken to a fire station, because she had been left in a day care van in the heat---- for five and a half hours. just hearing that took my breath away. how do you just forget about a baby for almost six hours, was my first thought. where the hell did they think she was...didn't they notice her missing, then of course ya think about the parents, or the mom, or whatever. what the hell man. drop your kid off to go to work, and before the day is over you find out someone locked her in a damn 200 degree car all day. holy crap. when i first heard it, they had no idea of her condition yet-- well, they just updated it, and she died. 18 months old. too sad. and someone needs their ass kicked. maybe a couple someones.

anyhow-- i had physical therapy today. i had to do some exercises, and then heat and a giant tens unit for my back, and a massage just long enough to piss me off. maybe ten minutes, on my neck mainly- and back of my head. very weird. but i felt worse leaving than when i got there. and i am not lookin forward to the next one. or the one after that. blah.

i'm tired today and i have to finish cookin dinner-- after that- i do believe i will go to bed early-- or maybe watch a movie. i have some kind of scary movie i got the other day, and now i don't even remember what it is. better get it watched and get a new one tomorrow... maybe.

i think i smell my chicken burning---

later peeps


Moohaa said...

OMG!! They left that baby for 5 hours!!! Are they all in jail now??

I'm sorry your therapy sucked. I hope some good starts coming from it sooner or later.

Blur Ting said...

I often wonder what the parents are thinking when they do things like that. It has happened in other countries as well.

I hope the therapy will help you. Sometimes it hurts in the beginning but it'll improve your condition over time.

ac said...

I'm so sadden by this. I don't know what the heck people are thinking about these days. So sad.

On a brighter note... oh hell. I don't have a brighter note. This is just SAD.

Get some rest kiddo. Maybe tomorrow will not be so sucky. xo xo

Anonymous said...

That happens here too...parents get caught up in pachinco (a kind of gambling slot machine type game) and leave their kids in the car.... a daycare center here too forgot one of the kids in the car... lack of checking and double checking...whatever happened to head-counting??? *aaargh* yep the heat is here too... hope the therapy starts to work for you soon.

ac said...

I updated. Brace yourself. It's a doozie. Ha!

Raine said...

Thats just horrific- I have pretty much quit watching the news. Its just too painful to hear. Hye I found those brush hogs!! at a place called the bait barn. Now if I can just get my ass out of bed and try em out!

EE said...

They were probably talking on their cell phone...
I don't get it.

Karen said...

That is too tragic. Like other people have said it happens here as well. We had a spate of incidents where parents were going to the casino intending to only stay for an hour. They'd leave the kids in the car, get on a roll either winning or losing and lose track of the time. When they FINALLY remembered their kids were still in the car and its over 100 degrees out, it was TOO late.

Your PT will hopefully improve. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better or at least that's what people say.

Jamie said...

I always wonder how this can happen, too...not so much as in a day care, but how can a MOTHER forget her own child in the car? And yet, it happens all the time...

I knew the PT would hurt, but I hope your smarter than me and stick with it for a while to see if it actually helps you. I gave up on it right away, for different reasons, but I always wondered if it would help me.

Hope you have a great day today.



SOUL said...

hi yall.. i haven't seen anymore news on this- i'll let ya know when i hear more-- but i hope someone gets hammered for it.
it's just STUPID. for lack of a better word.
daycare-- or parent-- you know, they had to know that baby was in that car-- or at least somewhere-- other than where she was supposed to be.
i just can't comprehend that. my teenager doesnt leave my sight that long without me knowing where she is. WTF???

i'm sorry to post about such a topic-- it just really pissed me off.. or did something to me, that i had to get it out--ya know. and really there was noone here to say it to, so-- sorry to dump it here on you. i just have a big problem with stuff like this.

anyhow-- i don't think i have anything major scheduled today-- so i am hoping to catch up with yall today--
bye for now-

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

that is just sickening! I understand today everyone is so rush rush and in such a material force to push through life with the gimmies this and gimmies that, and I've been known to forget what errand I'm heading out to, or an item at the grocery store, but how can you forget a child is there?
Slow the F. down.
Stop trying to keep up with societies rush factor..that is just awful what that little one had to suffer through.
That is just awful.

I hope PT will begin to improve throughout the seeeeesssions..-you didn't like the massage? or was it just not long enough? OR did the therapist have awfully hard rough hands? OWIE!

Well, it's almost hump day-so until then I'll leave you with a quote that arrived in my inbox today and I thought of you---must be the reel. :) DIVO!


"Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish."
– Ovid

Golden To Silver Val said...

Sorry the PT is leaving you sore but I guess that's the norm. When I did it, it seemed like it set me back and I was glad for it to be over with. The news over the baby....its just sickening and it seems like its happening more and more. Happens with pets too. I just can't think about it anymore...its too horrible to even imagine.

JLee said...

I heard about the 18 month old and it made me so mad! I just finished a graphic w/bullet points on how to try and remember your kid is in the car. Are you kidding me??? I'm sorry, but what kind of parent forgets their child is even in the car?

Portia said...

I don't have the words.

Cheryl said...

Have you recovered from your PT? Wouldn't it be great if it actually worked? Maybe it will...

I can't imagine forgetting my baby in the car, but it happens. I feel so bad for the parents that have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives.