Monday, July 14, 2008

another day here- they're all the same lately

hiya folks (here i go-- typing in bold-- for some unkown reason, yet again..) -- at least it isn't underlining )


yep-- another monday has befallen us. oh joy.

and wouldn't ya know it?
i STILL, got nuthin-
nuthin to say, no fish to show ya, just nuthin.

yep this is about how i feel too-

soooo - i'll just say that , i have been a bit agoraphobic lately. the past few days i have gone no where (if i have, i haven't had to leave my car.) like the drive thru pharmacy- or a drive thru food place- or somethin like that. and even that hasn't been often. the fishin has sucked lately-not to mention it's been 100 degrees outside-- so i haven't even been fishin for a few days.
can we say bored?
i really don't mind though. i'm actually gettin used to it-- and maybe it's not a good thing-- but i kinda am beginning to like not goin anywhere. i'm still in my funk a bit. not so close to the edge-- but maybe not as far away from it as i would like to be either. wish i knew wth to do about that.

so---- on that note-- i am being forced to face that fear-- or conflict-- or whatever it is-- in just an hour or two, to go to the damn neuro doc, for the follow up for the botox injections. which were supposed to help with the pain, but did not. now i wonder what-- if anything will be the next step. i suppose nuthing. but at least he is finally a dr. that is not afraid to treat pain as it should be treated. and not treat the patient as some sort of drug freak. in like three visits he discovered a real problem, that should have been diagnosed years earlier. i don't know if i should be pissed off or grateful. guess i'm a bit of both. so anyhow. ya. you know i don't want to go out my door-- but i must. :((

anyhow-- i gotta get ready to go--
i know my posts are probably boring the crap outta everyone lately-- jitterbug told me so---
but hey-- i'm tryin.

hope you all have the best day you are capable of having for a monday-- assuming that it is a good one-


Jamie said...

OMG---you do make me laugh! Not at your trials and tribs, but the kitty pic at the kitties make me feel like that all the time.

I hope the dr helps you today, at least has something helpful to say...let me know. :)

Jamie said...

darn it - I forgot---



SOUL said...

i will-- i was just about to sign off and get goin-- i'll holler atcha when i get back-- if you;'re on--holler back :))

SOUL said...

:)) jamie

Karen said...

Ahh you two are just so damn cute....How are ya Soul? I haven't been around much lately either. School hols, me the taxi driver, you know how it goes. if I could blog while driving I would be in business.

You know Soul you should really try not to worry about visiting and even writing. You do the best you can and everyone knows that. I always feel guilty too but if you can't you just can't...ok?

I hope the doc can help you with your pain. That's enough to drive anyone to despair. Love ya soul and your posts are never boring btw.

ac said...

I get that way about not wanting to leave the house sometimes. It's just so dang comfortable in here! lol That's what I tell myself anyway.

I hate appointments. I always want to run out of there. So far I haven't actually done it... I'm just sayin... I understand how you feel. Hope your appointment goes well today. xo xo

Portia said...

Best of luck with the doc today. I hope the trip is bearable and he continues to take action in a way that is comforting to you.
Weren't we gonna put a dang pond in that batcave? Sounds like an idea anyway...nananananananananana:D!

Mary said...

It's always good to see a new post when I visit. I've been at a loss for posts, too, but plan to do better - maybe.

It's promising that you finally have a doc that listens and is willing to address pain. Sorry the botox didn't work but maybe the doc will know something else to do.

I hope this day is a good one for you. Thinking of you.

Moohaa said...

Big hugs!! I hope the appointment went well. I know the frustration of not having docs listen. You're in my prayers.

desert dirt diva said...

good luck with the dr.s hope your feeling better..
dave and i will be getting married fri. at 8:00 or there abouts....