Friday, April 11, 2008

hell week has ended !

hi y'all
no, i haven't spontaneously combusted out here.
although, i could have. i think i feel like i did.

it has definitely been a rough couple of days. sorry for going M.I.A.

really though... you wouldn't have wanted to read, or hear anything i had to say lately anyhow. however, i did attempt a few times to write -- it was just - too whiny-- even for me.. there was no way that even I could find humor in it this time. so it was just better left alone.
i missed ya though. sorry i didn't get around much- and thanks for stoppin in. :))

it really has been hectic and mass confusion :
very busy , and too much for my mind to grasp and process in a short two days.
but i think it's under control now.

except for the fact-
that my head is exploding this morning.
hopefully, that will pass soon.

but-- since i don't have little monkeys to deliver me a second cuppa joe-
i'll be gettin that now.... coffee is my lifeline ya know-
well, one of several :))

so anyhow.. a lot of what's been going on lately is more medical crap.
many of you have been through this stuff with me over the last year..
and it seems to be the same thing every time-
mysterious, curious symptoms-- many worrisome tests...
and after days, or weeks of worry--- all comes back well-- except me.
SO--- i'm not even gonna go there this time.. til i have some real answers-- IF i get any.
because at this point-- all it is is more crap-- and waiting..

on the brighter side:
i DID manage to sell my behemoth of a couch yesterday..
i could have -and should have asked , and got a lot more for it, but i just wanted it out of here.
so-- it's gone.
and i have a smaller- more comfy couch already waiting to go there.
that will not take up that entire room .

so anyhow-- i spent most of yesterday cleaning my house, and cleaning up that couch-
getting ready for the lady to come buy it.
both looked good.
i'm glad to have the couch gone- and the house clean btw.

as for today-- i MUST wash my ten loads of laundry-
lest it eat me!!!

we are going away for the weekend--
and boy howdy-- do we need it!
we are all three a bunch of stressed out wrecks-
soulmans mom and three of her sises will be here- and the other sis lives out there-- (near our timeshare) ---
so-- we are hoping for a relaxing couple of days.

we wanted to take the boat and fish-- of course--
but of course "mommason" - has other plans-- and we won't have time to fish- so it's not worth the extra gas or effort to haul the boat etc .
so we will be truly "visiting."
but really-- they all are fun to hang out out with...
just listening to those four sister laugh at that age-- and to see them having remained so close for so long-- just "tickles " my heart !
i just sit and listen , and if nothing else i do realize that
the sound of laughter really is my favorite thing to hear.

i hope you all have happy weekends out there-
i will miss y'all, as i won't have internet again-
am debating if i will be back sunday night or monday night-
i am thinking that my child shouldn't miss monday at school.
so i may be back sunday .

anyhow-- i will be catchin up with y'all today-
things have setled down here a bit-
and so have i.
bout time eh?


Anonymous said...

sometimes we all have those weeks..ours has been hectic..with the coffee starting school and all.... whew...first week down... hundreds more to go! have a good weekend...sounds like you'll have a good weekend away and come back all refreshed! see ya when ya get back!

Jamie said...

I'm very happy to hear that things have improved in your world, I have been thinking about you.

Getting away for the weekend may be just what you need, and being able to spend the time away with family is just a bonus.

I will catch you here later---



Rebecca said...

Have a great time this weekend! Sorry there'll be no fishin' for your two, but laughter trumps fishing any day :)


JLee said...

Sounds like you deserve a nice relaxing weekend. The weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS so enjoy. I was wondering if you got any bad stuff the other night. Some people really got hammered with tornadoes/straight line winds etc.

Mary said...

Glad you're having a relaxing weekend coming up. Enjoy!

The lady bought a nice couch - I like it - looks comfy. I need to replace some things but just hate the hunt.

Will miss you and be waiting for your return.

Brad said...

Have a good time. Might as well take a rod along. You could stand on the shore and stick out your thumb and see if anyone picks you up.

Cheryl said...

Yeah, I know all about waiting for results and worry. It sucks!

Enjoy your weekend. I hope it's nothing like your last getaway!

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

Soul, sorry you're going through such a tough time. I hope the weekend renews your soul.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your leather couch! Tony Fielding has a cloth one with recliner on one end for him and the chaise on the other end for wife Carol. We've special ordered a burgendy leather recliner. Anxious to get it. Cody has his nails and he'd better not poke holes in it! auntie j

mosiacmind said...

I hope that you and the family have a really great weekend..laughter can be good for us! I thought of you last night when I was awake wondering if you were awake also....part of being awake was my waking on and off plus added to that part of the night were some little storms but no matter how little they are Gracie gets nervous so was awake with her for awhile..she paces lots when it is storming but last night she paced ON the I finally got her to lay down for awhile...I then when I got up sometime after that realized her water bowl was empty so filled that and then after the storms she settled down and slept in with me.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Glad everything is ok...I get concerned when I don't hear from you. Have a wonderful well-deserved weekend. Do you take the dogs?

Portia said...

i'm sorry it's been so rough, but glad you are getting this time away, with family. i hope you have a great time, and enjoy lots of laughter:)

Summer said...

Hey pretty woman! Have a great weekend.

bonnie said...

I love your head exploding picture. Hope your weekend was perfect. I tagged you.

WaterLearner said...

Sorry to hear abt the sour week. What's that mention about some medical tests and having to wait? I do hope that things turn up fine.

Have a great weekend!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

enjoy your weekend off!

I love the look of your old couch..I'd buy it off of you, but shipping would suck!

Here's to a great weekend of laughter and no stress!!

Thinking of you!!

Jamie said...

I hope you are having a perfectly wonderful time...good lord, WHERE are you? No phone signal...that really is roughing it!

desert dirt diva said...

damn love the couch...and the chair looks pretty good too.

Smocha said...

hope y'all are having a blast of a weekend. It's boring here. :(
The weather has been a crappy windfest. ack!!
take lots of pics!!!

love me

Jamie said...

Missing you, and checking in--wondering if you will be home tonight or tomorrow night...

I hope your time spent there is really awesome!



Moohaa said...

I'm glad you're back, I've been worried. I understand how things like that happen though. Life takes over. That behemoth couch looks uber-comfy. It would take up our whole downstairs, though!

I hope you're having a great time. Much love and hugs to ya!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

when you coming back?
Happy Sunday evening!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

when you coming back?
Happy Sunday evening!

EE said...

That's a cool couch. I can't wait to see a picture of the new one.
What medical tests??? Anything to do with the seizure???

Jessica said...

Nothing like a nice, easy going, relaxing journey with no bumps along the way. Oh wait, that's someone else's life.....

Oh, and the Big Hunks are hilarious!

Enjoy your trip!