Friday, January 4, 2008

my laptop is humming a tune i do not know

what the hell? i have some stupid anti-virus thing on here, and it is constantly updating. i do mean constantly. ok.. not constantly.. but very frequently. and it is very frustrating... irritating even. like a bad rash. i finally took out my wrath on hubby this morning.. as if it were his fault that i have some sort of obsessive compulsive virus scan on my computer. he said he would look at it later. so hopefully he can time it to do it's damned updating... when i am not updating. erg.

so anyhow. today is friday. all that means to me is a).. it is one of my buddies favorite days... and b).. the soul clan will be home for a couple days--again---already. hmmmm. i suppose that means i need to include a C now. c) since the clan will be here again, already, this means that i need to clean my sty. i have fallen behind this passed couple or four days.. just as i was beginning to brag on how well i was doing with the place. i guess i totally exhausted myself the other day clearing out my crap room, and have been pretty damn sore ever since. then yesterday i had a lot of outside errands to catch up on, and by the time i got home--- i was toast. i did nothing. i even called soulman and had him bring some mcdonalds home.

so.... i need to pay my five day late rent today... i suppose i will have to mail it overnight mail. this is our first rent payment-- and here it is late. not the only late bill going out this week. wth is wrong with me? i spent a few hours yesterday morning FINALLY sorting my bills and mail stackage. omg. i was truly in bill hell. i even had a two MONTH old water bill from my OTHER house we just moved from. i never pay my utilities late. other things i forget about or whatever... but my utilities and rent??? i think i'm just gettin altzheimers . do they have tests for that? my memory is shot. worse than ever lately. maybe it wasn't the meds. maybe i'm just really losin it.
or maybe i just don't give a damn scarlet.

but anyhow... i do have things that i need to get caught up on. so i best be runnin along. :))

hope you all have happy fridays... and happier weekends !


Jamie said... do make me laugh. And you know i needed that today. I know you give a damn scarlett. So, it will be okay... You have to over night your rent when the owner lives down the street...hmmm...this is an interesting world.

Have a good day today.

And since I forgot yesterday--

xoxo. :)

SOUL said...

happy to hear you got a laugh my friend. i hope you feel good today.
and apparently i misunderstood the landlady--- it's a bit further than down the street... it's more like across town... sooo... i'll mail it.
well, that is if i ever GET UP. ugh. which i am doing in a sec. i was waiting to call the doc. and i just did that----but you know how that is.. leave a message..and maybe he'll call you back--if he feels like it. soooo. will let ya know how that goes.
and hey-- step away from the computer---you're sposed to be chillin!

Mary said...

This is bill payin' day for me, too. There's only four or five but it takes an act of Congress to get me started. Gotta get done before the boys get here. Have a happy day - go fishin' if you can.

The Real Mother Hen said...

Housework can be really exhausting.
I hope one day when I've altzemiers, all I forget is to do housework :)

SOUL said...

same here mary.. why is it so damn hard to write a friggin check????

SOUL said...

motha.. i almost spewed chili on my computer!!!!
that is gonna be my next excuse when hubby says somethin about the house bein messy--which is usually the kitchen-- i'll say
"but honey, i forgot!"
too funny ...
you crack me up

Cheryl said...

What a day you had. And no TV? big bummer. Watch out for those humming laptops. And that was a sad story about your uncle. My brother's tv caught on fire but they put it out in time. Geez.