anyhow.. i was soooo ready to leave , for a long time before i got him. i kept tellin more cast, one more cast...different color bait... etc.... but finally on about my tenth.. "one more cast"... i got him!
i definitely need a better camera. my daughters has a timer on it...which would be better for me...than holding up big ole fish that don't even fit in the lens... but for now...this will have to do...
LOOK !!!
Way to go!!! He's quite a "catch". No pun intended, of course....
Hey, he's a nice big one!! I am so delighted there are still bass at your favorite fishin' spot! I gotta say, as fish go they are really quite cool to look at, unlike catfish which are definitely kinda spooky with those whiskers! (But both are mighty tasty - yeah, I know that's a sin in bassland. We don't eat the fish! :-)
of course not jamie..none taken...ya right.
how ya doin??? better??? you drunk yet?
hiya jos... hey i'll eat catfish any day... just don't ask me to take it off the hook, them damn things hurt sometimes. i'll catch em, cook em, and eat em... i just don't wanna touch one! (i will if i must, but it is a thing i avoid at all costs..isn't that what hubbys are for?)
and NO.. don't EAT the bass ! :))
why are we all on the damn computer on a saturday? well.. i am, because i am worn out and hot.
i may talk hubby into a movie later...dunno. he's tired, and i might be by the time he isn't. sux gettin old eh?
someone get somethin new goin...jos, did you start the memory thing yet?
how bout you's about time for you to get a new meme or somethin up isn't it???
c u2 later.
be good...or try to
Pen started off the memory thing for us Soul, and she has a darn good one - go read it, then get motivated and do one of your own. I KNOW you can remember stuff from your childhood, curious to see what you drag up. I'll do mine tonight - if I'm not still here working! At this rate I might be. ROFL :-)
i'll go take a look and see what i can do.
may be a bit later tho... i just woke
up from my nap. no laptop involved this time. :))
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