the only hat i haven't fished in yet, is the "B" one. and for the life of me, i cannot remember if that is for Boston, or Da Bears! ummm...never been big on baseball, but if y'all know..tell me, cuz if it's Boston... it shall be my next hat to fish in! (my dad was from Boston).
the sea ray hat, was lucky at the creek yesterday...BUT on the boat, it did NO good at all. the kelly hat was lucky...but hubby wore it yesterday for a i have to let the jynx wear off before i try that one again. yes i know..he thought i was nuts too! uh, well, i AM NUTS!
soooo, the hat O' the day today???? my blue lear jet/bombardier hat... was it lucky? YUP!!! i slayed them this mornin!.... slayed em! some big, some small...some short strikes, but i was gettin hit aftah hit! what a morning!
my first cast, with a buzz bait, was a short strike, so i missed it. i could tell it was nice, he blew up on it...but i missed him. a few more casts, and one more short strike later.... i slowed down the retrieve and, well....nice fish.
well, after that, and a few more casts, with no more strikes, i decided it was time to switch to the drop shot.... and .... well... say hello to my other little friend... actually, he's not so little...he is as wide as my shoulders! a little skinny, but nice. and he fought hard...and my drag was i was very lucky to get him in. the drag was squealing so loud a bicycle cop came over to see just what i caught. well... being the crappy self photographer that i am... would you believe that i asked him to take my picture? ! LOL. and he did! he didn't even ask for my fishin license. ha! perhaps he was distracted by my skillz. :)
Do you live within walking to fishing place? Like hats? Love magazine cover! me
no. it's like five miles or so. and hats...only when i fish....and thanks on the mag. first time i ever tried that. i'll have to work on it.
I think hubby will get a big kick outta the magazine cover, definitely frame it! :-)
Wow, you had a fun time at the pond this morning! See, maybe that's why God decided the girl needed summer school - so her mom would have a good reason to get outta the house and go play. God works in mysterious ways!
Love that you have a cop taking your picture, and thankfully not pulled over on the side of the road! :-)
Those little bass babies sure are cute!
God works in mysterious ways!
josie! STOP that!!! that is another of MY sayings. also one my mother said a lot.. but how true it is.
i'd bet money i would not have been out fishing like this on my own even ONCE... if not for the girl goin to summer school.
too bad for her... but it's pretty good for me. LOL mentally, it's good. physically...??? i'm seriously thinking about a trip to the dr. i'm so worn down i can barely function.. except for a coupla hours of fishing at least. but once i do that.... 4 out of five days, i am RUINED. DAILY naps...long ones at that. and last night on the boat...i got the worst asperin related stomach ache that i have had in a loooonnngg time. i even stopped fishing a bit early and just sat down. i was started to think i was about to puke blood. it hurt. i'm not even supposed to take asperin! but you know the dumbass dr's... chicken shits don't care if someone hurts, as long as they write down they told them not to take asperin, or motrin etc. then what happens? ummm... let me weigh this...
should i live in agony.. or at least take the edge off with (unfortunately , large amounts of) asperin !? hmmmm. i think anyone can figure that one out. except the dr's/ ugh
so much for my happy day! i just woke up from like a three hour nap...yet again...and i was having an awful dream !! one of sorts that i have like recurring, over the past 20 years or so. i was living , in a small place... with my entire freakin family again. it was HORRIBLE. even my sisters first husband was in it..only in the dream, her boys were their current ages. lotsa times i dream of the boys in those dreams and they're still little. it was sooo weird. and awful. and i was an active drunk, and everyone was yelling at me (and each other) and they were taking all their crap on me, and accusing me of stuff.
it was CHAOS. OMG... i cannot believe that i once actually lived that way. i was so freakin thrilled to wake up and realize it was a dream!!!
well, i could continue blabbing , but hubby just walked in from work.
hope your tooth is ok
Hi Soul! Tooth is all better now, thank you, she says, munching a cookie. :-) It is too funny that I keep popping out phrases you have a connection with. Kinda spooky, huh?!
When I am stressed, I often have dreams where I am back with one of my previous ex's... now THAT is a nightmare, and I wake up in a cold sweat! Sometimes when I wake it takes me a few minutes to reorient to where I am in my life.
I'm betting your meds have a lot to do with bizzare dreams, they sure do for me. Even ibuprofin gives me dreams more like hallucinations if I'm taking enough of it.
DO NOT play around with that stomach if it continues to hurt. There are really good meds for keeping it protected. Ulcers is one more damn thing you don't need!
oooh ! those hats are sooo
you know that cop was just too distracted by your beauty to check your license.
i was gonna say that...but decided against it, since i used the same quote on someone elses blog, who recently...while scantily clad, was approached, but not asked for her license either.
haha. i don't even remember how we started that line. do you? was it at a fast food joint somewhere?'s Boston. We have lots of Red Sox hats/shirts (my Aunt's from there).
i kinda thought it was boston, just wasn't sure. thanks e.
have a good day
jos.. yes it is strange that we have so many of the same lines, quotes, sayings etc. i've never met anyone who said some of the stuff you say (that i say) hence, the cave line. that is mine! LOL
anyhow...glad the tooth is bettah. how was the cookie?
and dreams...yes...i hate the ones that are so real, that i don't know where i am, or if it was real or not. yesterday , i looked in the mirror, along with my surroundings...just to be sure...THIS was my life, i wasn't drunk, and i didn't live with s0 people! OMG.
You are becoming an expert fisher-woman! WTG Soul!
tank you jamie... i must admit, i am getting better at it. most days anyhow. i'm runnin outta gas though. physically it's just getting to be too much. unfortunately. i gotta take it easy for a couple days i think.
have a good day!
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